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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. hey shain...sorry i didn't get back to you last night on this...i read the article and the reviews...and i think what people are so upset about and haven't really articulated very well is that good music is good music and that's fine and all but in their opinion there are TONS of good bands who sound MUCH better than PATD that fit into that jammy thing a bit more than PATD who don't get any coverage, and that if you're looking to diversify interests that maybe you should fully explore your home teritory of jamland before you go scouting for more. maybe picking a band that hasn't received tons of mainstream media coverage that fits in a genre we all look at and shudder as we remember the goths of the past, and could actually use a write up to promote their music might be a better crowd pleaser.

    if that's what you're looking for tho. personally, i don't see the difference in skipping the ben harper review you're not interested in vs the PATD review you're not interested in.

  2. if you're never seen him, and like the raspy boy voice stylings of ben harper and jack johnson you'll like this dude.

    his talent and music are worth paying...i'd say...up to $30 for. it's a fun show with good music.

    however, i've seen the guy 4 or 5 times now and just as bradm says, the repetitive thing he's got going on is a bit of a buzz kill....but if you've never seen him, it's not repetitive to you!

  3. So I was watching Stick It, (yes, the gymnastics movie) and was really surprised to hear My Morning Jacket's "One Big Holiday" start to play. It's actually kinda funny because the part where they play the song in the movie is actually the end of the holiday from gymnastics that the girl's taken (she's retired from the sport) and is about to start her training, with a 5 mile run back to the academy. They never get to the lyrics tho, and oddly enough, the song isn't credited on the soundtrack, but it's there, about 90 seconds of it too.

  4. can someone give me a link to a free shn->mp3 converter?

    I just got a new comp and need a program...the one i used to use on etree, shorten v. 3.5.1 isn't workin for some reason. i don't need the shnamp thing, just the conversion thing.

  5. listening to this now...and hooooooly

    i'm liking the piano on if one of us...

    and the vocals are good

    is the even the rats up on capital hill lyric been changed to even the men....or was it always like that? i don't want to stop listening and ruin the fluidity of my first listen to check

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