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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. i don't know if it's sucking air in and out, but if i rub my eye a certain way i can make my tear duct "fart"...i can also rub my eye around so that my eye ball points in a completely different way than my other eye and when i open the twisted eye i can watch it twist around the right way with my other eye in the mirror and when it gets back right suddenly i can see with 2 eyes again.

    my eyes itch more often than normal i guess and i'm a master eye rubber. i can even feel when i have a loose eye lash and pull it out before it falls out on it's own and potentially into my eye.

    maybe this should be in that useless fact thread.

    edit to add: i'm really glad this thread is here. after going my whole life without glasses, i'm now pretty sure i need them. i was going to get glasses and contacts, but i think i'm just going to get glasses now.

  2. so, the only way is to put things back the way they were? i can't redirect the local pathway for the torrent at all? (i use utorrent)

    i've redirected all new torrents, i just want to fix these few. and they're oink torrents, so i can't just redownload them cause i don't want to screw up my ratio.

  3. hey now,

    I've got a torrent question. i've downloaded a bunch of torrents and left them open and running in my torrent client. BUT, i've moved the downloaded files from the original location to a different drive. now i'm getting an error msg on the seed. i get why i'm getting that. my question is, how can i tell my client where the new file location is so that the seed will work again?


  4. they're all good shows. i'd choose lost though. it still has a few seasons left i'd imagine. sopranos are done soon aren't they?

    and as much as i love 24.....i've got to say, i missed a few episodes last season and never caught up. so i start watching last night about 15 minutes in....and i already had no idea what was going on or why....and, i HAD to turn it off. it's just so repetitive. if i have to see someone ask jack to sacrifice his life for the country, and him ask if his girlfriend or daughter knows he's still alive, and then him NOT die by getting himself out of some nongetoutable situation, then beg someone to stop the bomb attack then ask to speak to the president ("put me through to the whitehouse!") then get denied, THEN beat the helicopters to the bomb site and THEN save the day.....jesus christ. hey season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5....it's great seeing you again!

    i had to turn it off.

  5. i prefer mac to pc. never having to worry about drivers, or codecs, or most of the virus's....well, that's worth the extra bit of money for me. saving 2 or 3 hundred dollars isn't worth the headaches and stresses. i just want things to work when i plug them in, and with macs, things just work.

    my only complaint with macs is that their laptops don't have the little mouse in the middle of the keyboard.

  6. haha, nice dj

    i don't know if this would be a good thing or a bad thing for the burner itself, but i'd try and vacuum that spider out.

    40 for a dvd/cd burner? jeeez...i remember that first cdr drive that was 400 or 500 back in the day.

  7. OB1...if you can leave guelph an hour or two earlier i would suggest doing so, it'll save you some headaches. toronto traffic on a friday usually starts around 2 or 3 and doesn't stop till 7 or later. and it'll be heavy from mississauga/etobicoke right through till oshawa and maybe a bit further.

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