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Tungsten Gruvsten

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Posts posted by Tungsten Gruvsten

  1. I got hit in the face with a running chainsaw when I was a kid. Cut the tip off my nose and a slice through my cheek right by the edge of my mouth. Funny the story came up in O-town this weekend and i've been thinking of it ever since. Don't remember it at all, just some pictures of me in bed with my face in bandages and some relatively(I mean really a fucking chainsaw!) small scars...

    oh yeah, and in related Helix news, I see Bruce Arnold, Helix's original drummer all the time...he's still drumming, and rents gear from me. Also met Brian Doerner a couple times at work...and Helix just played in Kitchener(at a very small bar) recently. No R's where given by me.

  2. Spectacular weekend all round - feel a bit bad for not seeing much of Ottawa besides my hotel/Maverick's/that place and it all went by so quick I can't believe it's freaking tuesday already.

    Thanks so much to nero - you continue to blow my doors off and it was nice to have completely reverted back to 'fan' mode - not that working with you guys wasn't fantastic, but experiencing nero is just that much better.

    Really, it was a reunion show as much for the band as it was for the crowd - It just feels so good to be surrounded by people you know - when the band hits that particular 'crunch/wail/what?' moment and you look across the crowd, lock eyes with someone while you both nod 'oh yeah' and smile the bejeesus outta yerself.

    I think I actually did something bad to my shoulder from so much fist pumping and high-fiving.

    Thanks so much to everyone for the smiles, laughs, memories and excitement that only seeing nero in Ottawa can bring...

  3. hilarious coincidence- I've listened to this show 2 or 3 times the last week - it's the only music on my mp3 player right now(broke the usb cord)and i've been on a soldering binge with this show as my mind-numbing companion. Makes me super nostalgic as it was my 5th or 6th show and when they broke into Roses are Free I'm pretty sure I screamed myself hoarse.

    Anyways, the Drowned is a real treat, and not really being a BBFCFM fan, this one is pretty good.

  4. hmm Cinci might be one of mine too - I had gone to Chicago but(as Giggles may remember) it was a movie-worthy weirdness/terrorfest at our frickin hotel after that show so looking forward to two nights in Cinci while staying at the Hilton was the earthbound equivalent of the step from purgatory to heaven....

    This nero run tops it anticipation wise though... It's like Christmas and New Years mailed my present too late and it didn't arrive till Friday. I'm ok with it and instead of sending a card I'm gonna do it in person. Is there a Fuck Yeah! Smiley on this frickin message board or what?

  5. uh yeah I was at the fest and besides the bombardment of advertisements and gimicky free shit(GMC guitar picks anyone?) totally aimed at our age group, it was great. Yes the Lips were off stage early due to curfew but same as at Hillside or Molson Amphitheatre...there's a time boundary in place, and if you can't get yer shit setup in time you are going to play a shorter set.

    Hell by midday each day I was, uh, in my element. wherever that was.

  6. Right now i'm the manager of a 'pro audio' shop - I handle retail/rentals and a staff of 10 people. The actual company is alot bigger, doing production for concerts/corporate/etc...

    I miss my last job where I was doing post sound and voiceovers for cartoons...definitely sounded better when asked 'what I do'

    ...also left me lots more time to lounge about on the net...and my house.

  7. If it's got a couple of vu meters on the top it's probably an old Radio Shack jobbie....hi and low could even be consumer -10dB level vs. pro +4 or broadcast +8....won't be powered as it's on rca's, and the 2x hi outputs will just be parallels so you could send one to a tape deck for recording and one to the speakers/receiver/whatever...

  8. Yeah this is a good disc! David Holmes is the man - I wish he hadn't gone from making cool-ass music to soundtracks so fast - the soundtracks are cool but his discs(see 97's 'Let's Get Killed') are unbelievable.

    The Fila Brazillia mixes are pretty facking good too-

    Fluffhead I keep thinking we need to have a pint sometime...

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