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Tungsten Gruvsten

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Posts posted by Tungsten Gruvsten

  1. wow unbelievable lineup....weird to see some older mainstays like melvins and smashing pumpkings(I musta missed out on them reforming....)

    and patti smith too - wow, band of horses a current fave...but, uh, but mijk van dijk? Christ that's like MC Mario techno crap. weird.

    what's the newest mike patton thing?

  2. yeah the ratio of 'slipping in the bathtub' porn bloopers vs. the ratio of available bathtub porn is way off - my theory is it's probably the go-to position for stuntmen/women due to the evident danger factor scale-tipping going on...

    ..and i wasn't making that shit up about the rock bottom thing...that clip is on the web.

  3. eel porn, bukkake, it's all boring after you've seen the depths of the internet. Porn bloopers offer some respite and offer hearty chuckles until you realize only so many bodily fluids can go in peoples eyes and noses forcing them to slip in the tub....really, when you see the girl shoot a turkey baster full of raw eggs up her ass, crap it into a frying pan and force-feed the omelette to the guy-in-bondage while she uses a strap-on on him, you know it's rock bottom.

    I'm glad I don't have an internet job any more - gives my shock factor time to rebuild itself.

  4. hmmm...knew a u of w student nicknamed 'shooter' - apparently, he was in his dorm spanking it, not thinking anything of the open blinds in his room...that could be seen from one of those glass walkways connecting buildings....where a couple people noticed....and went and got their roommates and friends...apparently quite a crowd gathered and cheered him right through to the big finale. Became quite well known on campus because of it. Y'know, he's lucky this was before camera cellphones.

  5. Yes Matty K and the same sound system will be there. He truly is a professional and pretty damn young to be as good as he is. I would rather see a show mixed by him than me! And he keeps the bands happy by giving them exactly what they need to do their thing. Going to be a fun weekend...it's gonna hurt as I work every day too...sheeat.

  6. After seeing Orbital in 1996(ish?) at Opera House(Killer show, pounding techno, and a head full of acid made for a great night)....anyways, part

    way up Spadina(this was the year they did all the work on it) we were walking past a giant construction area and a big wheel loader with a bucket of debris dragged it's bucket across the top of a metal bin giving the most epic fingernails-on-chalkboard ever. It has defined 'worst sound ever' in my books since...nothing has topped it so far.

  7. Yeah shit I promised I would get last years show out before this years show. I leaked a couple copies out - it is done, I just needed to separate a segue and get it all archive ready...guess I have a project tonite! I'll put a post up soon as it's ready!!

  8. note of caution - do not go overboard on the humidifying. Static be damned, too much humidity will cause black mold formation on window woodwork and drywall edges. This is why bathroom fans are mandatory in construction. If you can see water condensing into drops on your windows it's too much humidity. Mold only requires a humidity level of 40% to cause problems.

    And really AD no one notices but you when your slip sticks to your pantyhose. :P

  9. Nice - my bday is april 16th so this is close enough. Always wanted to see these guys, heard some killer shows and lotsa praise.

    ...and if it's any help, I've seen RJD2 a couple times and it's boring as shit - he's pretty good bumping away on the MPC and dropping his vocals from turntables but booooring to watch. Might as well blast out 'Deadringer' on your way to Umphree's...

    Busrider would be cool tho-

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