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Tungsten Gruvsten

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Posts posted by Tungsten Gruvsten

  1. Ok; I'm finally leaving Kitchener after toooooo many years here....that's right packing up and moving across Canada...to...Guelph.

    Anyhoo, One last big hurrah at 27 Wilhelm St-once the home of the Glurt sticker factory, Le Boratory Studios and host to many nights of drunken debauchery...I remember some parties with crowd surfing, indoor mini-golf, fireworks, police, things breaking left and right and the twirling lights that flash when i close my eyes and am I upstairs now who are all these people I hope this is my beer......well you get my drift.

    So Friday Sept 27th there will be a pre and post party here for the Nero/Jomomma show.

    Come one come all, anytime after 6pm is great. No extra beds unfortunately but tons of floor space-yer welcome to stay.

    Phone me if you need any details:


    I'll figure out an easy way to get you directions to my place when needed....



  2. BradM i'm starting to think we're twins...just not sure which one of us is Devito....

    I always thought I was the only one who owned Mindfields, and i'm a huge Harlan Ellison fan which led me to that book. His essays and short stories are fascinating-highly recommended. 'Essential Ellison' is pretty much everything he's written since he was 15...

    I have most of the Morpheus books(my sister owns a book store and gets me 30% of-thank god cause they're pricey!) including 2 huge Giger picture books, as well as De Es Schwertberger-Heavy Light....great stuff.

    I'm really into Surrealism and off-the-wall stuff-some favourites are:

    Salvador Dali <-the man!

    Robert Williams - http://www.robert-williams.com/RWsite.html

    This guy blows my top off as well...his art contains many different styles and taboo topics...but the bonus is reading the 3 separate titles he bestows each painting with...pure genius!!!

    Frank Kozik - http://www.fkozik.com/mod.php?mod=showinmain&page=http://hosting.glizard.com/fkozik.com/gallery/

    Stanislaw Kors - http://www.art.co.za/stanislawkors/

    Revolutionary stuff, i can't even describe it really...

    Rene Magritte - his art isn't -technically- allowed on the internet due to copyright laws...but a google image search oughtta fix that...My favourite is 'Time Transfixed' -a steam engine train coming out of a fireplace...

    M.C. Escher - When math and art(be it audio or visual) collide my brain hurts. Always reminds me of e.e. cummings the poet...

  3. Gentlemonkey: The car was a complete write-off but I got a decent amount of cash for it....just didn't want to be buying a car in the same month i'm moving cities...sheesh!

    Cyber: No plans yet, got yer phone # I'll see what's up..

    Showhore: I'm going down in the morning to work from TO during the day-call me tomorrow before 10am if you wanna go this way....


  4. I love these threads...so much of my musical pursuit has been forwarded by discussions with like-minded people....always a surprise in the wings...

    Ahhh man i've been loving music since I put down what my sister listened to at 12(ummm i think it was a-ha and mister mister....) and developed outta my def leppard days...had a good core group of friends in high school that was into good/outsider/challenging music so we all turned each other onto some cool stuff....here's my list of stuff that's made life more interesting/rewarding/beautiful for me....

    hopefully one of them will do something for you too-


    -=Highschool Daze=-

    Red House Painters - S/T (roller coaster cover)

    -Beautiful and melodic, this one carried me through a few relationships and crushes....very sad tones but with an indescribable intensity

    Butthole Surfers - Independent Worm Saloon

    -Produced by John Paul Jones, this one is definitely the most listenable surfers album...I love the crazy pyscho-billy sounds of the previous ones but this is the only surfers album that fuggin rocks all the way through...

    Mercury Rev - Yerself Is Steam

    -what to say here...the hidden track(you gotta watch the numbers change on this puppy) is one of the best psychedelia love songs ever, the production is groundbreaking(Flaming Lips, Wilco, Pavement, they all borrow from the techniques here) and the album is a grungey psychedelic romp with all kinds of crazy instrumentation including saws, french horns and other orchestration, and some seriously kick-ass guitar sounds...


    Orbital - Snivilization

    Orb - Orbus Terrarum

    A friend invited me over in 2nd year college to hear these albums...i'd heard 'techno' in high school but it was mostly relegated to the Chris Sheppard Pirate Radio Sessions(thank god he's gone for the most part) These two albums opened my eyes and made for some of the more intense tripping experiences of my life....Now this is 94-95, so some of the sounds may be 'dated' a bit, but these were some of the first examples that truly had some musical and artistic merit....

    Schpongle - Schpongle Falls

    -This renewed my faith that good electronic music wasn't completely dead....unbelieveably psychedelic, it is a world beatish romp through some very progressive musical terrains....couple epics on this album.

    -=Other electronic=-

    DJ Food - Recipe For Disaster/Refried Food

    -This is what lead to my piqued interest in the Ninjatune offerings, between DJ Food and Coldcut, there are so many mixed cd's and original tunes that kick ass it's amazing to find that the rest of the label mostly kicks similar assage. This started a whole branch in my collection of cd's-downtempo/triphop/beats and breaks or whatever the hell it's been transmogrified into now but it spurned so much rewarding stuff....here's some of the best:

    Thievery Corporation - Lebanese Blonde

    Kruder & Dorfmeister - K7 Sessions

    Kid Loco - DJ Kicks

    Fila Brazillia - Power Clown

    Fila Brazillia - A Touch of Cloth

    Mr. Scruff - Keep It Unreal

    Herbalizer - Session One


    Funkadelic - Funkadelic

    Funkadelic - America Eats it's Young

    -The first time I heard funkadelic I was blown away...i think i played and replayed 'Loose Booty' all night long. These 2 albums are mind-numbing in their song quality, arrangements and playing....George Clinton at his best. Neither suffers from his shit production either....

    James Brown - Funk Power

    -Sure we've all listened to JB, i mean he's the Godfather right? This album destroys any doubt in your mind that he was THE man. This was a long unreleased rumour-but it finally saw the light of day in 96.... the original JB's-the backing band, are his funkiest. Recorded in 70, this is the small band that took over after his big lineup quit(think Fred Wesley, Maceo Parker, etc...) the JB's featured a teenage bootsy collins, and as a 5 piece were james brown's tightest band....super long versions of the songs with the tightest rhythm section ever...

    Jimmy McGriff - Electric Funk

    -There's tons of awesome bluenote stuff out there, there's plenty of organ funk on that label as well.....This one is definitely the pedigree. Also check out Groove Holmes, Brother Jack McDuff, Jimmy Smith, Lonnie Smith....

    Some goodies for the Adventurous:

    Red Snapper - Prince Blimey

    Can - Ege Bamyasi

    Can - Flow Motion

    Fripp & Eno - Evening Star

  5. if you ottawa folks go up the 410, it turns into the 10....Through Caledon and Orangeville, then you're going to jog west through Shelburne(1 left and 1 right)


    Tourist stop:

    SUPERBURGER!!! it's gotta caboose, big burgers and wicked fries. Just before shelburne


    stay on that till Markdale -once in Markdale look for grey rd. 12 and turn LEFT onto it. It's right in the middle of downtown--drive for awhile and it's on yer left. if you go to far you'll hit highway 6...

    Just for reference, hwy 6 goes north to owen sound from guelph, hwy 10 goes north to owen sound from T.O. They meet at Chatsworth(about 15 minutes above Durham/CTMF)

  6. Here's some fun ones:

    Alice Donut - War Pigs

    with the main vocal line replaced by trombones...fuggin hilarious.

    Butthole Surfers - Hurdy Gurdy Man

    They make the warble in donovan's version so extreme....

    Cowboy Junkies - The Post

    This is a Dinosaur Jr. tune-not sure how this ever happened but it's pretty cool

    Red House Painters - All Mixed Up

    I can't even say i liked this Cars tune, but this version is so haunting...

    And the ultimate....DREAD ZEPPELIN!!

  7. I dunno, it kind of reminds me of the YCDTOSA series, stuff from different years jumbled around..there already is Cheap Thrills, Strictly Commercial and Have I Offended Someone...why more compilations? I mean really, how is anyone supposed to truly experience Zappa without listening to an album all the way through?

    Would you understand conceptual continuity?

    Definitely not. How are you supposed to understand the ties between the lyrics in Apostrophe and the picture in Chunga's revenge? The song structures in Joe's Garage revisited in Thing-fish? The Waka Jawaka/Hot Rats link? Hell, Cal Schenkel's artwork and the graphic continuity is so intertwined with the lyrics, It makes these releases sound even more useless.

    Maybe Phil Lesh and Maynard from Tool could take a few of my favourite books and start their own series of Readers Digest Condensed stories.....

    Good to see some live stuff coming out though-wish they would concentrate on that....I mean his vault rivals the Deads....although I guess Dweezil's Picks doesn't have the ring of Dicks Picks....

  8. Greetings from NB!! Here's some I can think of...

    Jukejoint(jeezus! I know I'm in for it every time Mark Tonin TELLS me to i'm gonna be blown away)

    Dhizan and Kamien(Kruder/Dorfmeister/Tosca-esque)

    Wilco- oh my god the new album is beautiful

    Eels - gorgeous sounding as well-

    Heres' some quick recommendations for aural explorations:

    Fila Brazillia - Touch of Cloth

    Red Snapper - Prince Blimey

    Tosca - Suzuki

    Grant Green - Live at the Lighthouse

    still early...maybe some more will come to me when my brain wakes up...

  9. Well Booche, all I remember about that show is the most wicked sunburn ever and ruining my Stereolab shirt with battery acid. Don't remember any altercations but it wouldn't surpise me you bastard. I was in the parking lot rocking out Fleetwood Mac songs on my theremin for nickels... [Wink]

    in 99 Northernwish and I and Mike C. dropped $700 on stickers to sell at shows to pay for our leg o'the tour. It worked out ok but dropping that $700 was nerve-wracking.....

    The Canadian phish one was one of them. I think the idea actually came from Alan Dodson(AD-see you at evolve!) We also did a Tide/Tube one that looked wicked, and some assorted trippy 3d phish logo stickers. I think there was others but...duhhhh me lose brain.

    Daryl, the mastermind behind Glurt, is a good friend of mine from Owen Sound(yeah go ahead and laugh) He worked at a sticker shop here in KW when we lived together and provided our stickers for 2000, christ we must've given out 20,000 stickers. I just remember travellling with a big box, full of rolls.

    Dishin those crazy ass glurt ones out to people at shows could've been a freaking game show-you should've seen people's reactions!! I'm sure we broke more than one person, but damn we definitely made some people's day!


    Here's an awesome Glurt/Daryl anecdote:

    When we saw Sonic Youth at the Warehouse(before it's Kool status) daryl made up all these stickers that said:

    "I went to Sonic Youth and all I got was this lousy sticker on my back"

    and at the end of the show when we're all crowding out we started putting them all over people's backs...om my god if that wasn't the funniest shit-once out in the light everyone started noticing them and people were going nuts-some mad, some confused, some laughing their asses off. fuggin hilarious.

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