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Tungsten Gruvsten

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Posts posted by Tungsten Gruvsten

  1. Agharta and Pangaea are afternoon and evening concerts of the same day recorded with the same gear-as similar sounding as albums could get. Really could be a 4 CD set.

    The digipak rereleases have all been cleaned up and remastered, and generally sound better than all the other live Miles. I'd say the only digipak release i don't like so much is the Philharmonic Hall 72 show....I dunno, just doesn't go where the other ones do.

    For something else milesish and cool, try Donald Byrd-Electric Byrd. 1970 release that sees Byrd's trumpet run through delays to make spaced out textured jazz romps....very cool.

  2. Fuggin cool...kinda lame start etc but some nice flash manipulations in there.

    for those that were intrigued by the tunes, it's by a couple guys called Schpongle. I highly recommend Schpongle Falls, their first album.

    It is definitely the most psychedelic piece of work i have ever heard, electronic or not. The only thing that touches it might be Hendrix's "1983....mermaid" run....

  3. Yeah i'd have to say Live Evil or Dark Magus are sweeter than bitches brew, but essential listening is also Agarhta and Pangaea, the afternoon/evening concerts from Japan....amazing.

    But the overlooked classic for me is the soundtrack to 'Jack Johnson' - it fuggin rocks. The guitar is right up front(well over to one side actually) but it sounds wicked.

  4. "Jets Are On!" - left over from high school acid daze, i vaguely remember a house party or something...i dunno. I still use it though.

    "Smokes Let's Go" Since i don't smoke it's more of an informal greeting....

    ...and for northernwish-when all is definitely above and beyond plain old good, "Can I get a Hell Yeah!" (use accompanying fist pump for extra emphasis)

    Mr. Wish is also responsible for my use of the word 'crunch' for a crapola-much to the disgust of my girlfriend of course. I also put into rotation such affectionate terms as "Laying Cable" and "Pinching a Loaf", much to the disgust of my girlfriend...

  5. hehehe i just got that booche...hehehehe


    can't say any of the voiceovers i've done have made me famous-uhhh probably the one that's heard the most is in a display kiosk in Heathrow airport advertising the shops. Lots of internet ecards, toons and shorts, and a few YTV little bits here and there...I'm no cousin Joey from Full House.

    anyways-anyone of you that have some good voices (read: unique, consistent and available) I'm more than willing to do some work with you-I've got a room to record at in my place and I'm working on some shorts for CBC right now. I'm working with a small company right now so i'm talking non-ACTRA yer-not-gonna-get-paid-but-it's-free-portfolio-stuff.

    Voices i need right now:

    -10 yr. old boy

    -16 yr old male - younger voice

    -Fantastic Man- Tick-style superhero

    -Tripped out time-travelling cuckoo bird

    -Don Pardo style announcer

    -cute kittie cat

    -cute kittie cat dream voice

    -Pat Morita style 'ancient chinese wisdom' grandfather samurai (or a reasonable approximation)

    Anyways, i'm holed up in Kitchener(the other k-town) and if yer interested, email me - eric@zodiacmedia.com

  6. cool i'm gonna try to make it down to yer show next thursday as well-

    BUT only if you put 'Golden Flow' up on a big banner....damn that makes me laugh. I'm thinking golden showers crossed with PJ's "Even Flow"

    how about Caramelsium? i think it's on the periodic table...

  7. some sweet picks....Sean T. floated me a copy of the Jack Johnson album for my girlfriend but it's become popular in my car lately....

    got a 6 pack CD actually, an old pioneer that thinks disc 5 is disc 2 and disc 6 isn't actually there. So 5 picks it is...

    1. Dhizan and Kamien - Freaks and Icons

    Intergalactic electroglobal dancefunk extravaganza. Along the lines of Kruder/Dorfmeister, St. Germain, Thievery Corporation

    2. Rae and Christian - Another Late Night

    Way more than DJ's these guys manipulate tunes on the fly and in the studio to make this marathon meltdown of beats....some rap and bleeps and blips but pretty solid...much like Mark Farina's Mushroom Jazz series.

    3. Beck 97-09-05 Sony Studios

    Beck fuggin rocks it out on this live studio show-tons of hits and a sneak peak at 'Debra' 2 years before it made it on an album...

    4. Ween - Live in Toronto Canada

    Christ is this awesome...released by Ween themselves it's the Shit Creek boys running at full tilt on the country album tour. You can actually hear them get progressively drunker...

    5. Macdonald and Giles - S/T

    Early King Crimson collaborators create an elegantly produced(think floyd or trippy crimson/beatles) journey with epic tunes and funky breakdowns.


    also, some goodies in the works, got about a week left to finish up Strokin the Grits 3 and a new acidjazz/st. germain style mix, I also SHN'ed up a mix called 'Cops and Softcore' -italian/ german/spanish police movies and softcore film soundtracks-surprisingly funky and refreshingly wacky.

    love these lists!

  8. Went to the show here in Kitchener....fuggin awesome!! he was so drunk, he changed outfits a bunch of times and wore his shorts inside out on the third change. Made fun of Ottawa and Toronto, but didn't know exactly where he was...the band rocked and we had a table RIGHT at the front...hilarious. Picture a very animated drunk and perverted 65 yr. old black man who sounds like Tom Waits...

    Taped it too!! email me Dave!

  9. hehehe i forgot those little tidbits that made the weekend-i don't even remember how i remember this shit that i remember.

    Dave so far past conversation that even humming had eluded him. So he resorted to 'air-whistling' -sort of going through the motions without making the sounds. Oh yeah and of course his snow angel in the dirt over by the stage...

    Stapes recounting his story of pissing on a biker. Yes, he pissed on a biker. Hear it from the man himself.

    Mark Tonin 'strobin' on stage when the mic started to feedback

    and for Booche, I know who's at the door...

    " mr stupidy-head that's...fuckin pissin' me off right now and thinks he's the captain of the shitliner and by the way your fish-sticks suck so fuck-off. open the gate. "


    The burt thing was a simple opinion for me, I don't wanna sound like one of those 'worst show ever' types-I understand the sound problems they went through but it just seemed lacklustre in performance. That's it. It sure didn't put a dent in my weekend, the party meter was running in the red the whole time...

  10. awww yeah that was good times.

    Good to see all you folks again from the last one, and a hey-ho to Booche, Lynn, Dave, Hood, and all the others that I partied with like you went to my highschool or something...ssssheeesh that was crazy. I don't know how you guys drove 5 hours home let alone went out again monday night, i was a frickin' rutabaga on monday. And shit i wasn't even there on Friday....you guys are hardcore.

    lessee...what bands do i remember...I know there were some playing somewhere between the incoherent rambling, stumbling and laughing parts of the weekend...

    Drive by Leslie was fuggin awesome, some attitudes in the band members themselves, but hey, i got a free case of beer from them!!

    Fat Cats pulled off a great set as well, real high energy and great sounding tunes...didn't recognize a bunch of them so it must have been their new stuff. Then again on Saturday I don't think i would've recognized my mother if she would've been on stage...wait a minute, ah no, that was Gentlemonkey.

    Nero rocked my world again, I don't even remember the first 3 songs as PEIPunk and I were in the watchtower busy pissing our pants laughing at some nu-skool ballet/interpretive dance hybrid thingie going on below us....

    BNB really dissapointed me, maybe they shoulda just broke up. Totally felt like it was a 'because we have to' gig, no inspiration, the most pathetic Who renditions i've ever heard, and lacklustre performances of their own songs....Really, the festival should be scheduled so bands that are high energy are last on the main stage.

    Monday came so fast, it was a blur of heat, lazing in the shade, tunes and ...well, it was a blur to say the least.

    Great times folks, can't wait to see you all again.



  11. Ahhh...finally done the Jomomma album, but i've been in the basement so long I recoil from sunlight....what's a guy to do?

    Thank god for the internet!!

    This ones for Scottie King, Learning and Britney together at last!!

    Just because i have glasses...

    For NorthernWish;I can't believe i went to ESPN...

    And here's another sports one for the World Cup fans

    Time to hit up the spf40 and go get the newspaper!

  12. wow I think about this all the time...ongoing mental documentation if you will. New ones being added constantly, the songs that carry the most emotional impact i like to thing of as the soundtrack to my life. I really should write them down as I sporadically remember them, sometimes cued by hearing the song...here's a couple that hit me lately-

    anything by ABBA

    Yeah i know, whatever. Reminds me of my parents parties and the 'tricycle' age of my life

    The Streak - Ray Stevens

    I loved funny songs when I was a kid and the different voices in this song apparently brainwashed me into my current lifestyle of, well, cartoon voices. hehehe

    skip ahead a couple years and...

    Larks tongue in Aspic Pt. 1- King Crimson

    -First big acid party we had in highschool(it became an annual event) with my buddies one of my friends threw this on us. Sitting in the middle of his cleared out dining room in the pitch black with this cranked on huge speakers. This is the exact moment in time I diverged from the beaten path.

    All of 'One Size Fits All' - Frank Zappa

    -Same party as above, next year. Quasimetaphysical discussions with this in the background not only picked the lock, but ripped the hinges off the 'doors of perception' as it were.

    Mistress(Piano) - Red House Painters

    -Teenage wonderlust and female pinings during highschool...If i only knew then what I know now. Reminds me of all the great females I knew then and how ig'nant i was.

    Mikes Groove - Phish, Alpine Valley 97

    -Alpine Valley + Phish + Copious amounts of enhancers = I see the light. And though i'm still not a fan of the studio albums or ballads, their are several more 'emotional moments' brought on by them. 'Good times' to quote Northernwish....

  13. hehehe same deal here. I have a labelled BnP ready for him, here's the addy....

    his hotmail and uoguelph don't work...but he sent mail from this address so it should be right...

    James A. Lane

    7895 Tranmere Drive, Suite 215

    Mississauga, Ontario

    L5S 1V9

    I wanna be pissed cause the email doesn't work but he sent the whole SASE and discs in sleeves, postage paid, everything perfect, no saran wrap or notebook paper...can't get mad with that!

  14. Thanks for the props Sean..

    Here's some other goodies I always seem to see in the used bins:

    Donald Byrd - Electric Byrd...this is the album that got DB ousted from the jazz community-not straight up enough apparently, as he blasts his trumpet through tape delays to create unheard of lines..amazing.

    Also, if you don't have them -Miles Davis' Agharta and Pangaea- both live shows from the same day (early/late shows) in Tokyo, 75-amazing and usually $20 for 2 CD's each!!

    Lou Donaldson- Fried Buzzard - Live CD from an amazing trumpeter

    Jimmy McGriff - Greatest Hits

    Has some rare tracks not on his albums-i picked it up for $8 and it is awesome!

    Money Mark - Change is Coming- Former Beastie Boys Keyboard tech rips up the funk on this one...he can play tons of different keyboards and has lots to use...

    Stephen Malkmus -s/t debut album - I don't know how the hell you could trade this one in, it's fuggin awesome!

    Also, watch out for stuff on the label '32 Jazz' out of New York, the label folded and stores everywhere are buying stock of their complete catalog-tons of jazz, acid jazz (if it still exists), some funky stuff too...i got a 2 CD set called Groove Jammy that's all selected groovy tunes from the vaults-stuff from Catalyst, Eddie Jefferson and Grant Green...


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