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Everything posted by Patchoulia

  1. It's safe to hitch-hike to Hamilton, yes?
  2. This is both hysterical and frightening... www.yearbookyourself.com Wow! You upload a pic of your face, size/rotate etc. and you can see what your yearbook photo might have looked like over the years..starting in the '50s...
  3. Some Kind of Monster..a fantastic doc...just sayin'.
  4. The inherent problem with this reporting is that the individual in question is repeatedly referred to as a "fan" in the article...um..what? With "fans" like that...who needs homocidal stalkers?
  5. Didn't he have to hand around NY for probation purposes? I could have totally misremembered that, though.
  6. Great night--thanks (Acousti)cats--great to see everyone!! I was sad we couldn't stay past the first set..oh well..next time.
  7. Definitely thinking about it! At least for the first set...for some ungodly reason, I was up at the crack of ridiculous this morning(6:45? On Saturday? WTF?!), making coffee and cleaning the shower...I've officially gone to the dark side... Anyway. Hope to see you later.
  8. Anyone going to this? Where's Dundas? Who's got my heady ___________ ?
  9. It was so handy to have the windbreaker pouch to carry stuff.
  10. Man..collectively, we sure went through a lot of extra strength advil gel caps...
  11. I resent the question. I may be female, but I can still be a 'dude' right? Duuuuuuuuuuuuude!
  12. Patchoulia


    Whoa. There's way too much testosterone in this thread. Hey! I think I just grew a penis! See y'all later. I'm going to hump stuff with my newly sprouted shlong.
  13. Only if you were responsible for crankin' the Lionel at Grateful Fest.
  14. It's true. You were also dancing on the ceiling, if I remember correctly.
  15. Shoot...I think I left my Lionel Ritchie cd there...can someone burn it for me?
  16. Excellent! *pats self on back and prepares to become computer programmer* Thanks, Brad!
  17. I dunno Dave--it might be that I didn't post it right. I can see it, but who knows if anyone else can. The site from which I stole the image has code for forums and code for websites..which is pretty much a foreign language to me..
  18. Hey, if you need a conversation-starter, ask him what he thinks of the new 90210!
  19. Alright, I've met the parameters: Now gimme my bacon.
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