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Everything posted by Patchoulia

  1. Oops..I can't believe I missed this! Hope you had a good birthday, Bob!!
  2. I can't recall the adjective they used to describe Kevin, but it was extremely complimentary.
  3. Sorry if this was already posted, but the new MacLean's magazine has a great (small) piece on Sisters Euclid. The date on the mag was October 2nd, so I think it's the new issue. Thumbs up MacLean's!
  4. Can I get a hover bike with a toggle bar? With pink streamers and a basket and bell? Thanks. You're nice.
  5. I don't find Bruce that attractive, but for $55, I'll go out with him. He's paying me right?
  6. Congratulations!! That's sooo wonderful! A celebration is in order.
  7. Hear, hear. If I ever see Vit Wagner in person, I'm going to kick him in the shins. Legit.
  8. What, no boxes? Too classy for me, obviously...
  9. The implication is that we can sample both wine and grapes--is this true? Please advise.
  10. I love the word "furor". That is all.
  11. Good luck, Beth! Good vibes coming your way, per your request, though I am fully confident you don't need 'em.
  12. Happy birthday, Brian! P.S. You're my favourite. Don't tell no one.
  13. According to the interview with Dan in NOW this week, he's just a really quiet singer..so it's possible we just couldn't hear him... http://www.nowtoronto.com/issues/2006-09-14/music_feature.php "It's hard for me to find people to sing with, especially in Germany, because it's not a traditional thing that they do. They don't just freely harmonize with each other. The other thing is, I've got a very quiet voice, so if I sing with people with normal voices you can't hear me at all. I just recorded absolutely for the fun of it."
  14. I could be wrong, but I think that's close to the exact same setlist we got in Toronto. No complaints here!
  15. Have a wonderful birthday, Dave! It was so great to spend time with you guys...can we celebrate your birthday with a disco karaoke party at your house this weekend?
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