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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. The rooster sauce is fantastic--I love it!

    But my favourite "all purpose" hot sauce is Cholula


    Cholula's unique flavor and aroma make it the perfect complement for everything from soup to salad and steak to seafood. Elegant wood top makes this a sauce you can put on any table at any meal.

    I also enjoy Melinda's.

    Check out this website--a myriad of hot sauce brands with a mini-review on each, including heat level, main pepper & miscellaneous info:


    Some of the names of the hot sauces are hiiighlarious, including:

    My Dad's Hot Sauce is Hotter Than Your Dad's Hot Sauce

    Holy Shit! Habenero Hot Sauce

    Brain Damage Hot Sauce

    Spontaneous Combustion Hot Sauce

    Ass in Hell Hot Sauce

    Buttplug Relief Hot Sauce

  2. Seriously' date=' I'd like to know why they seem to be only part-time musicians...unless someone here knows the answer?[/quote']

    I'll venture a guess - because it's fucking hard to bring in money to support yourself as a professional musician (esp. if you've got a family to boot). Breaks my heart to think of the number of killer players who have had to scale back because of basic cash flow.

    I'm sure you're right--and I'd be interested to know if it was tried full-time or not. I think it's a valid area of exploration with the band! :)

  3. #1 TomFoolery: The dog in my avatar was a result of a Google Image search for "Stone Phillips"--apparently, this puppy is a news anchor. The dog I was walking is actually much larger and very boisterous.

    #2. StoneMtn: Leering, PAYING onlookers.

  4. Come to think of it, I actually ran the dog once yesterday (not by choice). I walked her a couple of times and the second time, I forgot her "halty" that stops her from pulling the leash--hence, the running!

    Tip: Don't run on a broken toe, no matter how much fun it is to frolic with a puppy in the rain.

  5. Well, according to my fiancee "Lassie" who is a physiotherapist...

    It sounds like you were nearly healed, and then "overdid it" a little bit by trying to walk normally on an injured toe. That caused irritation and inflammation/swelling. Unless you banged it hard against something, again, you did not likely re-break it.

    Who knew my whining thread would elicit a genuinely useful response? :)

    Please thank her for her expertise--she's probably right--I walked the dog yesterday and it was aching at the end, so that's likely what happened.

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