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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. Alexis,

    It will say good for 3-4 days after opening--but you need to change the water daily, otherwise it gets gross.

    I got a million delicious tofu recipes--just name something you like to eat or a type of food and I'll PM you some ideas.

  2. So my understanding is that there's no $$ value min-max...which is great...no pressure...but I am imminently unemployed and would horribly chagrined if my limited bankroll provided someone with a less than substantial gift and I, in turn, received something that cost a lot more than the gift I gave.

    I know that the spirit of this whole thing is not about the monetary value, but I would feel better if we placed a few limits on it..I just don't want to feel bad about contributing a less than substantial gift.

    The parameters don't have to be stringent....say we make is within $20-$100. There's a decent spread.

    Quash this if I'm wrong, but I don't want to feel bad about giving well though-out but seemingly cheap gift.

    Am I over-thinking this?

    Go Raptors!

  3. Is there some sort of $$ amount suggestion?

    Let it be known that while I don't do Christmas (or celebrate any traditional holidays on which gifts are exchanged--except birthdays, I like to celebrate that people I like were born), I will participate in the Great Skank Gift-Off '05.

  4. I'm going to have to go with Aerosmith's Greatest Hits.

    In my defence, it's still in the packaging and it was a free gift one year from my company at Christmas. I sold most of the other cds I got from them, but I always thought I might one day enjoy trips down memory lane whilst enjoying some bad Aerosmith balladry.

  5. Apparently, there's a band called "The Revolting Cocks"...or so says House of Blues productions.

    I have a few questions about this:

    If your cock was revolting (i.e. prone to causing disgust in others), would you advertise it?

    If you decided that your most impressive attribute was your revolting cock and you then wanted to form a band based on the aforementioned appalling appendage, how would you go about recruiting other band "members"? ;)

    If your cock (or group of cocks) are revolting in the rebellion kind of way--against what are they rebelling?

    The possibilities are truly dizzying.

  6. A Kindergarten teacher on the first day of school was telling her class her name.

    She said my name is Miss Prussy and I want you to remember that so she had them repeat it a few times.

    The next day she said now class what is my name.

    The young boy raised his hand and said I know

    She said good you remembered now what is my name?

    He replied it is Miss Prunt.

    I witnessed something eerily similar in school..only it was high school!

    The teacher's name was Miss Tsumi (pronounced Chew-Me). In biology class one day, my friend Cindy raised her hand and said, "Excuse me? Miss Eatme?"

    True story.

  7. Could be worse. You could have a the clueless mom in the Tim Horton's commercial saying: "Cool let's all get tea-bagged!"

    Actually that would be hillarious. Almost as good as theier "Lord of the Rims campaign." (insert rimming joke here)


    I love it.

    Carrie, it's really a grassroots organization at the moment (i.e. one member strong! fight the power!), but I'm hoping for a surge in membership, now that I'm getting the message out there, rocking the vote..you know what I mean.

    The tea appreciates your support!

  8. Well, it was tea, but just in kit form.

    And it's possible to make tea without steeping, by just pouring the water through one of those little tea baskets (usually with loose tea); to me, steeping involves leaving the tea in the water to soak for a while.



    When I said, "Isn't all tea steeped?" I was using hyperbole for effect.

    And I'm pretty sure you're not going to get tea at Tim Horton's created by the sluicing of water through tea leaves in one of those little containers.

  9. But isn't it all ready to go now? Pre steeped?

    Yes, but, my point is, if it's tea, it's steeped.

    I guess to be more accurate, in the past, they should have been advertising "Tea bag and hot water".

    Cuz it wasn't really tea when they sold it to you. :)

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