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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. Keiffer? you're lusting after Keiffer?

    That's not Kiefer...that's Jack Bauer...Jack Bauer is waaaay, way hotter than Kiefer.

    Oh, and, good call Ms. Hux.

    Jack Bauer is the best!! :)

  2. The only reason Mig hasn't hit the bottom three yet is because he garners the teeny-bopper vote.

    #1 He's way too pretty for INXS.

    #2 I swear when he started Paint it Black last night it was a segue into something from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat--ew!!

  3. There are just as many belligerent, blind morons in the left as in the right. The power of the media in the U.S, and the perception thereof, shifts with who's in power.

    The difference between Michael Moore and Jon Stewart is enormous--Michael Moore is a self-important, deluded purveyor of misinformation. And he has just as many idiot followers as Bush does. He's a disgrace.

    Jon Stewart, on the other hand, is a commentator--he doesn't prosthelitize, he doesn't advocate, he comments. Sure, his opinions are generally liberal. But he's not telling people how to think--simply conveying how he does.

  4. I suspect that once we meet, you might just usurp Kaidy Mae as my NBF (New Best Friend)!!

    :o Yeah. *shrug* Probably. :P

    Don't be offended--the tenure of an NBF is often a short one, but usually leads to a much more fulfilling relationship full of long walks on the beach, puppy dogs and candlelit dinners. ;)

  5. Dear StoneMtn,

    I'm so sorry I missed your "cake next to your name" day. Alas & alack, I haven't computer access on the weekends--which means not only can I not wish people happy birthdays on Saturday and Sunday, but the revolution I'm planning will be significantly delayed.

    Did you know that if there was a Sanctuary phone book, we'd be right beside each other? It's true.

    I hope you had a wonderful birthday and I wish you a year full of merriment, mirth and (legalized) debauchery. Can't wait to see you in Toronto--I suspect that once we meet, you might just usurp Kaidy Mae as my NBF (New Best Friend)!!

    Yay for you being born!


    Stoned Phillips

  6. To me, this isn't like a lot of the bullshit abstract art that a 5-year-old or I could produce. I think it's magical--I love the relationship between the colours and the shapes created. I see pictures there.

    Then again, I'm back on the crack, so that might have something to do with it.

  7. Trey makes the NY Post's gossip column...bahahahahaa...the validity of this story is in doubt, considering the source, but it's hilarious nonetheless:


    PHISH singer Trey Anastasio apparently drinks like a fish. The frontman for the now-defunct hippie jam band was staggering past Jeffrey Chodorow's Meatpacking District eatery Ono when he was recognized by Chodorow's 19-year-old son, Max, a major Phish fan who had just finished dinner there. When Max slowed down his Audi A4 to get a closer look the other night, a slurry Anastasio asked him for a ride. Max happily let the tipsy tenor and his pals squeeze into his car and dropped them off at a townhouse on West 18th Street.

  8. My theory is as follows:

    1. It's a known fact that people are always--ALWAYS!--thinking about sex.

    2. Closely related to that is the truism that every 5 seconds, at least 98.7% of the North American population is thinking about lingerie in some form.

    3. Subconsciouly, people like The Slip, because it calls to mind naughty outfits.

    I'm a genius.

  9. 4c.jpg

    THE COW-BOY HAT - This American classic, made of the best marbleized cuts of beef available, assures that you won’t just herd cattle, you’ll wear them. With this beauty, the cows are alwavs on your mind.


    THE BRISKET YARMULKE - Made of 100% kosher brisket, this one-size-fits-all “beefy beanie†comes emblazoned with a horseradish Star of David.

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