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Everything posted by Jakis

  1. Have fun! And enjoy this amazing band...
  2. Haha I am little 5'9. I was just watching the show by the bar and he came up to buy a beer. Told him I am a slip fan and asked about them and surprise me mr. davis. He then told me about Surprise Me Mr. Davis and asked me if I wanted to listen to some recently recorded stuff.
  3. Nice thanks brad! Brad barr was in the opener tonight at the plants and animals show! Invited me backstage and played about 2 minutes of a recently recorded Surprise Me Mr. Davis track. Sounded great! Said the album will be out around September and that they will be putting it up for streaming on a webpage sometime in June.
  4. The Dodos Don't miss them at the bluesfest!
  5. Link Some good bands here! Akron/family, the dodos, malkmus and many more...
  6. These playoffs have been really amazing!!!
  7. My mom is trying to get tickets for this. What is the icebox and gondola all about? I am sure not very good seats?
  8. Would you take 2 spacs for 2 dariens??
  9. Maybe the dodo's will be there?
  10. Sweet thanks Newrider. Do I just keep calling them for the cancellations or something?
  11. Waited in line at soundscapes but got shutout. Luckily my friend picked up 4 weekend passes off the internet! Can't wait. Would camping already be sold out??
  12. Nice I wish I lived in Ottawa for this. Andy Swan is my buddies friend. I like what I have heard from him.
  13. Ah shit didn't see that. Nice!
  14. (262): Its a bunch of hippies dancing in front of a stobe light. For ten dollars I could have gone to the strip club and at least had a lap dance
  15. So good don't miss him at bonnaroo! For some reason when I try and Embed it links to an america's top model episode.
  16. Just wondering because everyone I talked to recommends lining up at one of the stores.
  17. Anyone ever buy weekend passes on the internet right at 10 before? Is it impossible???
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