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Everything posted by Jakis

  1. I hate all your favorite stupid teams and realize mine sucks. But come on ollie it is every teams goal to win the stanley cup. You have to make the playoffs to have a chance to win it and the habs gave them selves a chance. [color:purple]The leafs are better than the sens and habs and that is a fact!
  2. I've also enjoyed both San Jose - Anaheim games.
  3. nice great fest went on the way to 10,000 lakes a few years ago!
  4. Same thing happened to me. Had tickets 5 rows back. Fuck! It's working now though got tickets row x on the floor.
  5. and also miss vickie's rosemary and basil but I couldn't find a picture.
  6. Going to all 3 games this weekend and can't wait!
  7. Any idea what time you will be hitting the stage in Toronto? I was planing on going to the jays game first but don't know if I will miss most the show that way.
  8. I'll really miss being able to keep my moe. stats.
  9. Has just signed on to post this. http://phishcoventry.blogspot.com/
  10. Jakis


    Agreed that was a great finish!
  11. Great fest! Loved it last year!
  12. But I agree the sound is much better in the tent. I loved the mmw with scofield show under the tent a couple of years ago.
  13. The best part about being outside is being able to drink your own tall cans! They sell tall can's of heineken and grolsch outside and leave it in the can. So you can easily bring a bunch of your own tall cans and they never know you didn't buy them!
  14. Great game! Damn, I wish I had lind playing in my pool tonight! Really happy I got the 100 dollar seasons pass!
  15. ha I was thinking the same thing but I am guessing bouche didn't even read the first post in this topic.
  16. Neutral Milk Hotel - In an aeroplane over the sea. My favorite album of all time. So amazing!
  17. I think you must be thinking of the court house? I know bell orchestre is playing there later this month.
  18. Jakis

    Arcade Fire?

    Is regine the red headed guy in arcade fire? Cause he is the one from arcade fire in bell orchestre
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