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Everything posted by Jakis

  1. sweet..wicked bouche..i hope i win
  2. Jakis


    St. Ambroie Apricote Wheat Ale. The best beer I have ever tried. Bought 12 last night. Going to pick up more today. Also, tried mill st. coffee porter. It was really good but can not drink more then 1 or 2 in one sitting.
  3. Great game by the leafs. Kaberle injury will be a big loss. I love the young defense players the leafs have. It makes me really wish they did not sign McCabe and Kubina. Hopefully they can win tonight. Also, I thought that Perrault goal was spectacular.
  4. Hes playing tonight at the Dakota Tavern in Toronto, at ossington and i think dundas. Tickets will be sold at the door because the gig was just announced a couple of days ago and they had no time to get tickets out to the outlets. heres the info. http://www.arts-crafts.ca/tourdates-post.php?search=1938&venuesID=232
  5. He just recently recorded this. It was recorded by hd cbc I believe. He was talking about it at a show a few months ago.
  6. In my opinon, it was a great move by the oilers not giving him 5 million a year. He will be a depreciating value. Unfortunatly, ferguson has given lots of players too much money.
  7. I am loving this season. Colangelo is a genius and I never thought he would be able to turn the raptors around as quick as he has. I don't think he did either. I thought they might make the playoffs this year but never thought they would be a sure bet to make the playoffs at this point.
  8. I think me and a buddy are going to be heading down. Anyone know what time it starts and goes till? thanks, Jake
  9. Lack of scoring at home or lack of scoring at home the last 3 games.
  10. Read the forums on hockeybuzz thats where the real idiots hide.
  11. Its still his second full season playing in the NHL I think thats what he is getting at. Hence, sophmore jinx.
  12. haha..i think he's still teaching. I wouldnt know though. I took it in 2004 and it was only on tv. The lectures were from 2000! It was ridiculous.
  13. Yeah it was good. Had to read it for truth and propaganda at Carleton.
  14. haha i had that book as a text book in university.
  15. Every game he gets tagged like that. He usually tags people like that aswell. Hes a great defenseman, much better than stupid mccabe.
  16. I am loving the yanick pickup by the leafs. Also, I am happy that bell is going to be playing fulltime in the league now cause he is a good player and should be playing lots.
  17. I think torres would be a great pickup for the sens.
  18. the e system hockey buzz uses means the reliability of his sources. E5 is the highest meaning someone who is connected to one of the two teams talking. An e1 and e2 is info from a person who knows someone from one of the teams involved, usually these deals don't seem to work out.
  19. Good game. Too bad the leafs took too many penalties. I am happy they battled back and can't believe how well sundin has been playing the last month. I dont think you can count the leafs out of this race yet.
  20. Jakis


    yeah, I emailed them and they said they were not sure yet because they were working on their summer plans. Someone should get them to do some shows in toronto and hamilton.
  21. Rumour also has it he loves Frank Zappa and uses his songs for every theme.
  22. Anyone been who has been to massey hall know how 3rd row gallery seats are?
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