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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. all your missin is the ducky shoes haha maybe you could glue some eyes on those bad mofos

    HAHA!! that's a great idea Tooly! I have some googly eyes and crazy glue here (don't worry, i keep the glue very well hidden in our house) Gator is gone all weekend so I think i'll amuse myself by gluing googly eyes on all his shoes. FUN!!!!

  2. I'd also cut off the goatee or perhaps get a handlebar going...goatees are very particular.

    wow - i couldn't agree with this statement more. Go for the handlebar.

    If you're still on the fence about cutting your hair or leaving it long, why don't you just try cutting half of it for now. Oh wait, that would leave you with a mullet. But that's ok, because you'll have a handlebar to match. Can you say, "hubba hubba"?

  3. I agree backbacon. I've always thought it would be good for that Sesame Street segment... "one of these things just doesn't belong."

    I'd MUCH rather have a real drummer up there showin' off like the rest of the band does.

  4. at least you already got her. i'm not gonna be helping my single-guy cause at all with this one.

    ya never know guigsy. Remember how I dared my friend Chase to grow a mullet? Well he STILL has it, and he has had NO troubles since finding hot sassy girls to date him. I bet they're attracted to his courage.

  5. so what makes a winning beard? just volume?

    estra pts for creativeness too eh?

    No points for volume... that's boring. You have to style your beard or trim it in a creative way. I know BOOCHE already has a few hilarious styles in mind... I can only imagine what you and that nutty wife of yours come up with.

    I think drinks would definitely help get the creative juices flowing.

    Let me recommend a hair sculpting WAX instead of gel... works great. Not sure how easy it will be to get out though?

  6. It would be pretty hard to beat The Sloth, Bouche and Booche... plus it may get a little unsanitary.

    hmmm... i don't think you read very carefully there Jaimoe. At the moment those fellas just have plain ol' regular beards if you ask me. That isn't hard to beat. Now if they did THIS with their beards, I would be impressed:


    As for unsanitary, well that's not really the focus here poopoo head. Although we COULD have a separate category for "the most unlikely shit found in a beard"

  7. Inspired by Del and the World Beard and Moustache Championships I’ve decided to get a special contest going for all you bearded freaks on this board!

    The contest is FREE to enter.

    Special prizes will be awarded to the winners... and NO, I'm sorry to say they will not be dildos.

    Deadline for the contest is August 1st, 2005. You must have all your photos in by then otherwise they will not be eligible to compete.

    Photos will be posted in the Cavern after August 1st for all to view. Jamband members NOT competing will be the judges of the competition.

    You are allowed to send as many photos and different styles as you wish.

    Please send your photos to me at pink@nacns.com ANYTIME! Just as long as it’s before the deadline. Please include your real name, your jambands name and your address with the photos.

    There will be separate categories for Beards and Moustaches. Judges will choose a 3rd, 2nd and 1st place winner for each category with a special award given to the most pathetic beard which I call the “Facial Pube Award”

    Contestants will be judged mainly on creativeness and uniqueness… so GET CREATIVE!! Props are welcome.

    Anyone belonging to the Sanctuary can compete… including girls.

    IT MUST BE FACIAL HAIR!!! It must also be REAL facial hair... beard and moustache wigs are not allowed.

    OK - GOOD LUCK!!!

  8. OK... well the contest is ON!!! I will post some official rules later today!!

    Best part is, you don't even need to shave, you can just gel it in weird shapes and stuff.

    oh man, i can't WAIT to see what some of you come up with!

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