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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. I definitely think we should have a skanc photo this year... we should do it on the Sunday afternoon - seems most people show up by then.

    Ms. Hux... i think it's a great idea to have the picture after a band, that way people know when to meet up and they'll most likely all be around the stage anyways!

  2. deadline? why not bring what you have (hair wise) to CTMF and judge it there?

    that's only a couple weeks away. I was thinking people could send me photos and i could post them here... then we can all vote on the best beard.

  3. nice one del! You've inspired me to start the contest. I'll put together some official rules and regulations and get this contest going. I think it could be hilarious!

    Approx. how long does it take to grow facial hair? Just wondering when I should make the deadline for...

  4. I think the sanctuary should hold a Beard and Moustache Championship. A lot of you are already half way there... maybe just a little wax and sculpting and VOILA! Mr. Moustachio Perfecto.

    I'd pitch in prizes for the best beard...


  5. I'm am SO excited... can't believe its only a few weeks away!!

    Glad to hear our friendly St. Kitts neighbors will be there! I've missed you guys.. it's been too long! Number2 - yank those strings baby - you GOTTA come!!

    Wow... so many fantastic people are planning to come... its going to be amazing. Can't wait to see all of you again!!

  6. Happy Birthday STEVE!!!! I'm going to go crank the ween in your honor! Any requests??

    Hey Ottawa people... make sure stapes has the BEST birthday! He goes out of his way to make sure everyone else is having the best day ever - it's time for him to sit back and let everyone worry about him for a night!

    see you soon my friend :)

  7. Welcome ReDD! If you see a pregnant lady waddling around CTMF, come introduce yourself! I'll likely be wearing pink (it's not just a clever name)

    by the way, i really like your avatar!

  8. who wallpapers anymore anyway?

    NOT ME! It was a really old man, married for over 50 years who gave us that advice.

    I hate wall paper. The house we bought was covered in it... finally got the bulk of it down last month. I think they do it to cover up ugly holes and dents in the walls... because we discovered MANY.

    and by the way, STRIPPING wallpaper is a healthy stress release for couples to do together.

  9. for the same dough you could probably get a fancy schmancy matress/travel bed

    then you wouldn't have to go anywhere.

    wow... i never thought of that one :P

    the point is to get away... I won't be getting any sleep at the campgrounds. Besides, the zombies are even scarier when you're dead sober.

  10. MoMack - I agree, the dover hotels are nicer. But the hookers we got aren't picky. As long as there are mirrors for all the coke, they'll be happy.

    Actually, to be honest, we just need something cheap and close to Izzy's for the long weekend so my preggo butt can sleep easy for a night.

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