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Posts posted by MamaPink

  1. It's been a long year of no potatoes and rice! Almost 60 lbs and counting!

    The crack helped out a bit too ;)

    WOW! that's amazing!!!! Talk about discipline. I bet if Meggo didn't write the names of the people in those pictures I wouldn't have guessed it was you. I think it's been well over a year since I've seen you (since the wedding I think?) Anyways, congrats rubberdinghy!! Awesome!!!

  2. Friday night Girlie party in Ottawa was TOO much fun!

    Thanks Ms Hux for putting it all together and hosting everyone in your beautiful home!

    Thanks to all the girls for making this the most successful Fantasia party I have ever done.

    Meggo - I'm glad you had a good birthday! Thanks for having Becky and I over night. And for picking a yummy breakfast spot before we headed back on the road.

    Girls - I can't wait to come back. You are all such unique, beautiful women. Ottawa is very lucky to have each and every one of ya's!

    big hugs and kisses being sent your way. Hope you're all still having fun with all your new stuff!

  3. BTW, Fantasia owes us a new headboard ;)

    I just fell off my chair laughing... you guys are fantastic! On the re-cap sheet I have to send to head office there's a space that says, "hostess comments" so I wrote, "Fantasia owes us a new head board"

  4. sittin' here at meggo's waiting for the girls to get ready so we can go EAT!!!!

    Where's a good place to go for brunch here in Ottawa (that's not crazy busy)?

    PS - did last night really happen? Seriously, I'm in awe...

  5. I just finished packing the pink dildo mobile! I'm picking the princess up in less than one hour and we'll be on our way!!! See you fine freaky chicks very soon!

    Oh - and to answer hux's question - unfortunatetly we will not be able to stay past saturday afternoon. We had originally planned on it, but as it turns out I have to work sunday morning - booooooooooo!!! But I was thinking of getting a hold of some fine ottawa people for a nice lunch Saturday before we leave.

    I'll call over to 40 main saturday morning to see what's up. Oh, and let that be known to stapes aswell... I couldn't be in ottawa without seeing THAT guy!


  6. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! it's Meggo's Birthday!! Cheers to you, my sweet! I am so fricken crazy excited to come and see you - you have no idea how much i've missed you since you left these parts.

    Woohooooo - celebratin' girlie styles and a fun, giggly sleep over to boot! I hope this is the best birthday ever Meggo! You deserve it!

    See you in a few hours... (i'm literally jumping up and down in my chair as I write this!!)

    As soon as I see you i'm planting a big one on ya!



  7. Could either of you email me directions from the 401 Toronto to your doorstep?? That would be grrrrrreat! My email is pink@nacns.com

    Can you believe friday is TOMORROW already?? I'm so freakin' excited!!!!!

    Oh - and Sharon, do you have an estimate as to how many girls will be attending tomorrow night? Doesn't have to be exact, I'm just trying to figure out what to bring in stock!!

  8. I agree about that stinky site, Ian. I like the music on the opening page though - makes me giggle.

    Gator brought it to my attention that people might think that was MY website. So I changed the link to my site, even though it's not finished yet.

    My music is going to be much better on that opening page. I'm thinking either, "Whip it" by Devo or "Cum on Eilleen" by Dexy and the Midnight Runners. (Elevator versions of course)

  9. I like that avatar too SevenSeas. I saw that on a car the other day, only there was an even BIGGER fish that said JESUS eating the darwin fish.

    I bet Jesus is having a good chuckle over that one.

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