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Posts posted by onthejourney

  1. thanks paisley! i hope some other people did the same. Chris is truly amazing at what he does. When I was out there for their wedding I asked my friend Ali (his wife) where he learned to work with wood (school or the like) and he just taught himself...he is blessed with such a wonderful talent. He even made their wedding rings with teak, cedar and perduk (sp?)...if i had a scanner i would post it up...they are very beautiful as well.

  2. hey all! I am just promoting the business of some friends of mine out west who have just gotten their website off the ground. They run Moon Rise Music out in Duncan BC. I myself I have seen these drums and didges etc. and they are of exceptional quality and so much love and time is put into making each piece. If any of you are looking for some new instruments, you would not go wrong in purchasing from them not to mention you would be supporting "local" Canadian folks. Give the website a look....


    ......and pass it on!!! :: :: ::

  3. i try to get people to come out to shows all the time (male and female) but most of the people i know don't usually want to come out (to a "jamband" show or otherwise) I'd say 98% of the women i know are all taken and have been for a very long time...they would rather stay home and go to bed early (which i don't mind doing either). But another problem with trying to get people out, is most of the time they have never heard of the band. So you give them something to sample...sometimes they dig it, sometimes they don't. Even if they do, they don't usually want to pay cover or something (people i know anyhow) or they can't get a sitter for the kid(s) etc.

    ahhhhhhh hell...i dunno...i still keep trying to get some people out. But the older i get it seems the less people i know (that don't already go)

    sorry so sloppy

  4. This reminds me of something similar. There is this Japanese guy, Masaru Emoto, who has done extensive study on water crystals. Water 'cells' are almost exactly the same as the human body's cells. In his studies, he would take contaminated water, freeze it, and photograph the crystal(s). Then he would either put 'good words/phrases' on the container or get groups of people to send good vibes and intentions to the water from wherever they were. Then he took crystal photos again. The crystal changes to something more beautiful. He also had people do this with large bodies of polluted water. He also took water and put in in 2 containers. One would say something like "i hate you" and the other would say something like "i love you". The "i hate you" crystal was all distorted and the latter was beautiful. He also exposed the water to some different types of music ( i wonder what it would look like exposed to something like Grateful Dead! hehe)

    This makes you think about how either what you say, or even what you think, can direct that energy towards another person and affect their cells. Really the whole idea has many different ramifications i guess. I had a chance to see this man speak of his findings in Calgary but unfortunately I had a class the same night. I wish I skipped it.

    Here are some links so you can see some pictures. With the first one, go to some of the links for more pictures. I really encourage you to take the time to read and look at this stuff.





    This last one has a gallery you can go through for pictures and some explanation. All facinating....ENJOY!! ::

  5. okay well, i can see what you mean...i guess i didn't think about opening such a post for discussion in such a way. I do not want to censor anyone but rather my statement was directed at persons who cause sh!t for the sake of causing sh!t (ie. Lazlo -sorry buddy) If anyone would like to discuss that's totally fine with me if not welcome. But senseless crap is just not what i wanted to see in reply to this..that is all. I am just refering to a phrase that was always said to me by my mother --"if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all" which does not refer to a differing opinion at all, but rather to making inane comments.

    I have changed the word "good" to 'nice' now...if it makes any difference.

  6. I was on the Ontario Rainbow Family website when I came across this. Please, if you have nothing 'nice' to say in regard to this message, keep it to yourself. THis call to action is for tomorrow, January 18th. For those of us who believe in our spirituality as beings, and the uniting of many positive energies and intentions to bring about good on this earth.

    Urgent call from the MAYAN ELDERS of Guatemala



    >Through the ancient techniques of divination and

    tools of prophecy, the>Mayan elders are calling forth

    to humanity at THIS TIME to pay closer>attention to

    the messages being sent forth by the mother earth and

    to>immediately take the actions they have been calling

    for, to unite in an>effort to bring balance again upon

    our planet.

    The recent destruction that manifested in Indonesia


    OF THE EARTH. This message is not meant to induce

    fear, to the contrary, it is a call for bravery and

    for action. The elders are concerned about what has

    been presented in their recent divinations and they

    call to all humanity to warn their leaders and to work

    very hard at a spiritual level to prevent the

    impending destruction. This message, verified

    and brought forth by various Mayan elders in

    Guatemala, is for all of

    humanity. The hurricanes in the US and the earthquake

    and tsunami in Indonesia

    have been warnings and we must now pay attention or

    the possibilities of floods in Europe, Los Angeles,

    earthquakes and other efforts of the mother

    earth to awaken us will manifest quickly.

    There is a specific call for people around the world

    to join in prayer, meditation or whatever method of

    spirituality one engages in to unite on JANUARY 18th

    at the time of their local sunset (approx 6:00PM).

    This date is (9) Keme according to the sacred Mayan

    Cholq'ij calendar(more info on>calendar available at:

    http://www.sacredroad.org) and has the

    potential for>protecting humanity from disaster.


    >There will be many major ceremonies in the Mayan

    communities for this

    >purpose. An open invitation is extended to humanity

    that wish to join


    >Mayan people for the Waxa'qib B'atz' ceremonies on

    FEBRUARY 12TH in


    >Again, this is a strong message, not meant to drive

    us to react in fear, for this will only negatively

    impact the level of destruction and our own

    circumstance. This is the opportunity for humanity to

    rise to the occasion and come together along the

    strong lines that unite us and overcome

    the >obstacles that divide us.

    >Please distribute this message widely.


    >Message issued by Mayan elders in Guatemala and

    delivered via:

    >Carlos Barrios, Mayan Ajq'ij, Antigua, Guatemala

    >Adam Rubel, Co-Director, Saq' Be': Organization for

    Mayan and


    >Spiritual Studies, http://www.sacredroad.org


    >This work is licensed under the Creative Commons

    >Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License. To view a

    copy of this



    http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/ or

    send a

    letter to

    >Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford,

    California 94305,



    >Saq' Be': Organization for Mayan and Indigenous

    Spiritual Studies

    >www.SacredRoad.org <http://www.sacredroad.org/> -


    >Bringing young adults and others together with

    ancient traditions for

    >cultural preservation and to foster a deeper

    spiritual, ecological and

    >communal awareness so as to plant the seeds for a

    more harmonious




    >Sb-announce mailing list: Sb-announce@sacredroad.org

    >To be removed from this list, please visit




    Peter Ustinov

  7. i'd love to move out there...ideally. But my family is here right now and the older my folks get the more I would like to be closer to them. If push comes to shove I will be out west...but not on the island..more likely the interior. One thing I know is that I will not live in the Hamilton/Toronto area forever.

  8. Was it US Airlines??? Apparently they are about to go on strike so all the workers are being sh!t-disturbers. My dad just flew down to the Dominican to help build a school and what not for a really impoverished area. He brings his guitar so he can play music for everyone. First their luggage was lost. Then, when they got their luggage, my dad's guitar, which was in a HARD case, had the neck snapped in half!!! There is no way it could have happened in the case so someone had to have taken it out and snapped it!! What the hell???...He can't really do anything about it till he gets home now but the airline is definitely gonna hear it.

  9. check out this book --- Shambhala, The Sacred Path of the Warrior by Chogyam Trungpa--- I read it about 2 years ago upon recommendation by a friend and it changed some of my perspective on life/living at that time. I think I will read it again!

    If anyone in the Hamilton area would like to do a book borrow/trade I am willing with this one.

  10. i don't eat much of these things anymore because I am not a big sugar fiend but try these...

    dutch pancakes (like crepes--thin pancakes) with peanut butter, or icing sugar. You roll it up and then cut a bite off and eat it!!! mmmmmmmmm


    white rice (don't eat that anymore either...could try it with brown i am sure) with butter and brown sugar. I am told this is a dutch thing too. It seems the dutch put sugar on lots of things...especially sugar on bread.

  11. Self Employment & Sustainable Living Opportunity

    Organic Farm for Rent

    Huckleberry Farm

    Date posted to GoodWork: Nov 4, 2004

    Start date: Jan 1, 2005

    Location: Alliston ON, Canada

    We are looking for a couple/family/group to rent our

    organic farm and farmhouse north of Toronto. Ideal for

    trying out country living and organic farming prior to

    buying your own land. The renter would care for and

    harvest the existing crops asparagus, raspberries,

    strawberries and apples. We currently sell crops at the

    gate in a small shack, using the honour system. The renter

    would keep all earnings and have access to the farming

    equipment (tractor, rototiller, handtools, etc.).


    The house is a charming old brick farm house (just over

    100 yrs) in good condition. There are four bedrooms, a

    large country kitchen, two bathrooms, and a woodstove.

    There is an office with phone lines in the detached garage.

    Large wrap around veranda. Balcony off of main bedroom.

    Wood floors in many of the rooms. Paved driveway lined

    with huge spruce trees.

    Other Buildings:

    There is also a large barn and a carriage house. There is

    a woodshop in the barn that is also for rent (see below).


    The property is 13.5 acres, with less than 2 acres cultivated.

    There are at least another 5 acres that could be used to grow

    crops of the renters choice. There is a large vegetable

    garden and several flower gardens. Hundreds of tulips

    and daffodils in the spring. Lots of trees.


    Approximately one hour north of Toronto, just east of

    Alliston. There are numerous communities within 5 or

    10 minutes, so there is plenty to do nearby.

    Rent for farm/farmhouse:

    $1,400/month plus heat. Available January 1. One year

    lease. 705-435-3182.

    Other opportunities on the property:

    There is also a 900 square foot woodworking shop for rent

    in the barn. The shop has been used as a full-time business.

    This is currently available should you wish to rent the farm

    and the shop. Rent for the shop is an additional $750/month.

    (Less if you are renting both the farm and the shop).

  12. http://www.organicconsumers.org/epa-alert.htm


    In 2001, the Bush led EPA struck a deal with chemical companies to remove two important rat poison regulations designed to protect the safety of children. Specifically, the safety measures had required rat poisons contain an ingredient that makes the candy-like pellets taste bitter to kids and a dye to make it more obvious to adults when a child has ingested the poison. As a result of no longer requiring those safety additives, the nation is now seeing a record number of children poisoned by the toxic pellets. This year more than 50,000 children were poisoned by rodenticides, which is three times as many as were affected prior to the removal of safety regulations. According to a recent article in the Los Angeles Times, the EPA met five times behind closed doors with representatives of the chemical industry, which ultimately resulted in the removal of the safety regulations.

    Read more and sign petition...



    Two weeks ago Organic Bytes blew the whistle on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for a proposed toxic chemical "monitoring study" on low-income children. The extreme toxicity of these chemicals is already known and many of them are already banned in Europe. Such a large number of people signed the OCA petition (50,000+) and forwarded it to their friends in the first 48 hours, that our website server temporarily crashed and the EPA asked the Organic Consumers Association to stop the petition. We will not stop until the chemical corporations are disinvited in having a hand in this biased study, low income families are no longer targeted, and consumers learn the truth about these dangerous chemicals.

    *****enter "other" in the state space and then enter your postal code in the zip code space

  13. First chance at a computer since i came to visit in BC..just wanna say happy happy birthday to crazy little 'T' (have you seen the halloween pics yet???hahahaha) and to KC.

    Hope you guys had an awesome time on Saturday celebratin'. Be home thursday!!

    PS..happy birthday to me too ;) ::

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