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Posts posted by onthejourney

  1. Well, my dad is a finanical planner and I will try to pass on some good advice to you.

    If you want to make more money in a shorter amount of time then you need to put your money either in a stock or a more high-risk mutual fund. This has the benefit of the possiblity of making more money in a shorter time as said but with the high risk there is more fluctuation and more chance of bigger losses.

    But if you are younger and say want to make money for the more long term then you would invest in a low-risk mutual fund (RSP) which doesn't make money as fast but doesn't have as much risk of loss as the prior.

    Something I do to help save just at the bank is having 2 accounts. One account is spending money and I put less money into it. The other is for saving and my car insurance and emergency shit comes out of that but otherwise it grows quite well. Basically I don't touch it unless totally necessary. Right now I work 2 jobs, so the money from the lesser paying job goes into the spending and the other into the saving. But before I would go in, stand in line and get the teller to seperate my cheque into the different accounts.

    this really does work well, as long as you follow the rule of not touching the saving account unless necessary.

  2. I don't feel that they should ban him as people SHOULD be able to think for themselves (although I really think the general public is getting more stupid by the day).

    That aside, 50 cent is a tool. His new video game, album whatever that I saw a commercial for is ridiculous. He does promote violence and guns and treating women like objects. He has nothing intelligent to say or seemingly to contribute to society. But I guess his popularity furthers my above point of people becoming more dumb...

  3. NO FRIGGIN SURPRISE!! Boy am I glad I don't live in the States where they are put into a constant state of fear. I mean c'mon, I read that people down there are so afraid of this avian flu that they are calling to find out if they can eat turkey!!!! Although, I am beginning to be disappointed in our media for starting to jump on the bandwagon of fear mongering.

  4. Mom - also "if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all"

    "eat your food. There are lots of starving children in the world who would love to eat what is on your plate"

    "treat people the way you want to be treated"

    "that's chicken...don't you like chicken?" said about fish mostly.

    Dad - "I see said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw"

  5. haha..funny food fight! I think I got some rotting stuff too!

    But seriously, I think we should agree to disagree. I mean, I could spend a whole shit load of time finding the info to back up what I am saying as well as you could for the other side...i don't have that kind of time. Either way it comes down to opinion. I will probably vaccinate my kids with the regular vaccines (polio, mumps etc.) because they no longer contain mercury. But as for the flu shot I will not. If my kid gets the flu, there are really good ways to treat it in my knowledge, and I will use them.

    As for all the vaccines that they want to come out with for everything under the damn sun, I will research them first and decide from there. I still say that I am not selfish but that my way of protecting my future child is different than yours.

    p.s. living around hamilton, BELIEVE ME, is not by choice right now. If I/we could leave, be sure as hell we would get far far away from here and that is in the plans.

    p.s.s. Health Canada and big pharma 'sleep together' (another different topic completely) I dont' take everything they say at face value.

    p.s.s.s. careful not to get all wound up by the scare tactics of the media. If you are worried about health, than take better care of yourself (not to say you don't). Prevention via nutrition and herbs and vitamins and de-stressing is really your best fight against any pandemic.

  6. Thanks everyone for the well-wishes!

    ahh...another year gone...oh well, it keeps getting better all the time!

    Sarah and erich---i hear you guys have something up your sleeves?? what is it?? huh? huh? ;)

    Jay and Kristi---we should definitly do a little something this weekend! Give ya'll a call later!

  7. PP---I do agree with you to a certain extent. The thing that pisses me off is although certain plants have been used for thousands of years to boost the immune system and to ward off disease, the government (or other organizations) will not do studies/tests to prove this. This is in part because of "big pharma" having great control over "medicine" and the minds of the gov't.

    YOu see, an herb already on the planet is not patentable, so the pharma companies try to take a chemical constituent from that plant and sythesize it in order to patent it and make money. The problem with isolating one constituent of possibly hundreds within a plant, is that it gives the risks of side-effects. The way the plant is, in it's original form with all the constituents, no matter how small, makes it balanced. Even those small levels contribute to the balance that lessens the likelyhood of any side effects. Now, I am not saying it is perfect because everybody's different. Some folks are allergic to certain things. Some herbs work better on one body than on another. That is the job of someone who is trained, to help figure out what is best for who.

    Back to vaccines...yes, I do think people should have the choice whether or not to vaccinate. No, I do not think it is selfish if they don't. Yes, I think they should do their research on which ones are the safest and which ones contain things like mercury and decide from there.

    I will not vaccinate myself or my future children with known neuro toxins. That is not selfish. That is looking out for the well-being and health of my children. The diseases that come from neuro toxiciy are often much worse to have/get than what you are vaccinating against.

    If, when I have children, the vaccines do not have these toxins in them, then I will do more research and reconsider. I know that some of them already do not have these in them now and therefore I would consider having them done. But as for the others... Hell no.

  8. Actually, the flu shot DOES contain mercury (see ingredients below on 3 common vaccines used).

    Ingredients: (sources are manufacturers statements.)

    FluMist®: (MedImmune) Live attenuated cold adapted virus*, allantoic fluid (egg white), sucrose, potassium phosphate, and monosodium glutamate. Source http://www.drugs.com/PDR/Flumist_Vaccine.html.

    FLUARIXTM: (GlaxoSmithKline) Chicken embryos, virus*, sucrose, sodium deoxycholate, formaldehyde, sodium phosphate, sodium chloride, octoxynol-10, Alpha-tocopheryl hydrogen succinate, and polysorbate 80, trace thimerosal (<1.25 mcg mercury per dose). Each dose may contain residual amounts of hydrocortisone, gentamicin sulfate, ovalbumin, formaldehyde and sodium deoxycholate.

    Fluzone®: (Aventis-Pasteur) Chicken embryos, virus*, formaldehyde, sucrose, octoxinol-9, sodium phosphate, sodium chloride, Gelatin, thimerosal in the 5mL vials (25 ug mercury/dose), no thimerosal in prefilled syringes

    Not to mention formaldehyde?? Okay. The flu shot, in my opinion is useless. People are scared into a frenzy by the media. First of all, the vaccine covers about 3 types of flu. There are over 200 different types of flu. Pretty pointless? why, yes, it is. Second of all, if you are in generally good health (i.e. not missing organs, do not have and liver, kidney or other organ disorders or are not extremely elderly) the chances of you dying from the flu are very slim. There are many herbs and supplements that can build your immune system to fight the chance of getting cold or flu, better than any vaccine. Also, just the stress of worrying about getting the regular flu or Avian hyped-up flu, could get you sick as stress wreaks havoc on the immune system.

    For more info on vaccines look here:


    My old professor from wild rose college (one of the leading herbalists in North america...blah blah blah..insert credentials) did not vaccinate any of his children. Some of them are my age or older and are healthier than the majority of the population. In fact, I know quite a few people who have not vaccinated their children due to the uncertainty of the possible side effects of the ingredients in vaccines. Now, whatever your choice is your choice. Personally, from everything I have learned, I see the majority of vaccinations unnecessary, especially when we have so many wonderful god-given plants, mushrooms, lichens, etc. on this planet that build the immune system way better than a vaccine.

  9. ya radio sucks for the most part...91.1 kicks ass especially when driving in traffic and when it is raining it makes everything seem wonderful. But...I am a Q listener most of the time. Yes, they often play the same songs and yes, it drives me crazy. That is when I change the station. I often wish that they would play other songs from 'popular' classic artists. They tend to play the same ones when the bands have written many other good songs. Yes, they also forget to play other great, lesser known bands from that time.

    But let me say, that when away from here, you realize what great radio selection we have. When I lived in Calgary I almost died until I got my internet running. The radio out there, for such a large city, sucks sooooooo bad. They have 4 hippity hoppity stations, 1 college station, 1 rock station (plays old and new, still crappy), tonnes of country stations, and a JackFM. The only good station out there is a listener supported station that plays all different sorts of music. Hearing Psychedelic Sunday was like gold out there, seriously.

    Now, I am sure you are wondering why I didn't just listen to CD's. Well, I am poor therefore my music collection really isn't that large...so basically I was screwed. YOu can only listen to your CDs so many times in a short amount of time.

  10. Thanks for your reply Hux. It was just something that I had heard and really just found it interesting but didn't take the time to research it. I realize that the gov't really has no control over how the oil wigs jack the prices but I guess (whether the numbers are right or not) I just hope that the extra money the gov't is taking in as gas prices rise will be put to good use.

    The big oil boys really are to blame but I feel that it may somewhat of a last attempt to get as much money as they can before it all runs out, which I feel it is going to run out quite soon. Really, I think this can be taken or seen as more of a push to explore more sustainable ways, different methods of travel, working closer to home, different ways to heat etc. Basically a re-evaluation/wake-up call of how being so dependent on this one fossil fuel is going to end up in disaster at some point. I really don't feel like going on and on but I am sure the gist is there.

    I don't see that the price of gas is going to go down, in fact, I predict it will continue to rise. Personally, I am trying to figure out what I can change. A friend of mine has a friend (isn't that always the way ;) ) that took an old Volvo and converted it to take veggie oil (don't know if it is used or fresh). This guy went from one coast to the other and back again for $400! So there is something that can be looked into and apparently it is not that hard to convert a diesel to do this. I believe there are several websites about this.

  11. yup..tis me...haven't been around in awhile. Thought I would make my triumphant return by commenting on gas! hehe ...(triumphant my ass!!!)

    Anyway, so I heard or read somewhere a while ago (don't remember which, maybe it was on here) that for every 10 cents that gas goes up, our government makes 175million. So if gas goes to $2.20 that means that they will make $2,100,000,000. If you divide that by the average number of Canadians, they could give us each $70. Now originally i figured this out all wrong at work today and i thought that the gov't could give each Canadian $70,000, and I was blown away. But now that I have figured it out for real, at least I think so, it is $70, which really isn't a big deal but ya. The thing that blows me away is that the gov't is pullin in some serious cash here. I would really like to hear them say now that they don't have money for things like social programs and health care and the like....or wait, do I smell the possibility of another scandal???

    The fact is that if gas prices are going to continue to soar (which they will because we are so running out of oil) and the gov't is pulling in this money, they should be prepared to shell it out again for all the people who are now going to be in poverty because fo the very price hike that has made the gov't rich. The increase is so far reaching it would take a million pages just to write about everything it is going to affect (please forgive me if this has already been mentioned in the last while b/c i have not been on here and I am not spending all night on here catching up on what i may have missed.) ;)

    To sum it up....we're screwed!!! woo hoo!!!!! and i feel fine!! kinda, sorta, maybe....so when is the whole crew takin to the boonies to start our commune??? :):) :laugh:

  12. ya this air really sux. I think I actually get 'summer asthma' from it or something. So hard to breathe and I got a cough and I stuffy nose. Sometimes I actually gag...lovely, I know.

    Today when I went to pick up Kev from work there was this chick sitting in her car, just idling away. By the time he came out it was probably already 3 minutes or so. So anyways, she was yakkin through her window to some guys from Y108, so I said 'excuse me' to those guys and ask them to ask her to stop idling her car because it is contributing unnecessary pollution to the air I breathe. Needless to say they looked at me like I was on crack or something. I find alot of people respond with something such as "well, it is only for a minute or 2". But if you think about if even just 100 cars did that for a minute or 2 a day, that's a lot of idling....and we all know that way more cars than that idle in parking lots and else where, unnecessarily each day.

    I makes me really mad when everyone complains about the air and then they do that...grrr

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