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Posts posted by onthejourney

  1. Well, I speak a little bit of Dutch, but not enough to help you learn it. My dad is Dutch and he could probably teach you but I don't know if you want to do that...hehe. But when my sister was younger, she wanted to learn more Dutch and she went to classes somewhere here in Burlington. Let me know if you want me to find out the name of the school.

  2. I would definitely say Killbear Provincial Park! My heart is there...it is one of the best parks in my opinion. If you do go, try to get a campsite in the Beaver Dams area. The beach in that section is great and then you can hike along the shore (of rocks and beach) to Harold's Point for an amazing sunset. The sunsets there are specatcular. There are some pretty good hiking trails as well (just ask at the front desk for where to go)

    Personally, I like to go in early september to killbear, simply because in the summer it is a very busy park. I like it when there are more sites to choose from, less people and definitely less skeeters. It is still warm then too.

    Happy Campin'!!!

  3. does that mean I am a washed up raver hunny??? :P

    I just saw that they were playing at frontier town earlier today (haven't been on here in a little while) on their site...were you trying to keep me in the dark? hehe. Well that is the weekend we are at the cottage anyways...but wait...the cottage is close to frontier town..I may have to go for a little drive... muhahahaha

  4. oh boy...i am all about the euchre!!!!!! It is always so hard (for me anyways) to find 4 people to play. There always ends up being me and 2 others and never a 4th. When and where will this euchre be? I will only be up for sunday/monday...oh boy, i am so excited! I always have cards with me in my car for those 'just in case there are enough people to play euchre' moments. We will be bringing up our aerobie too, so if ya see us playing, feel free to join in! (for those that don't know, and aerobie is like a frisbee, but faaaaaaaaaaar superior in it's flying abilities)

    oh and by the way....no more chilli folks...it just isn't going to pan out this time around...hopefully it will for labour day weekend (no Canada Day cuz tooly and I will be in BC!!!)

  5. sweet! thanks ms. hux....just tried that curried egg recipe of yours...very yummy indeed. Definitely did not use that much ginger though...are you insane? ;) i have had bad experiences with using too much ginger, making the whole dish taste like ginger alone. So I'd say I used about 1/2 to 1 tsp instead. Still very good. I was wishing the whole time that I could put hot sauce on it! Oh well. Only 3 more days till I can.

  6. thanks for the recipe ms. hux! it sounds awesome and I can eat it on the cleanse/detox I am doing right now...just the thought of it is making me so hungry.

    As for Frank's (which I canNOT have on my cleanse right now and it is killing me...) it is the best thing known to man, and bacon, egg, hashbrown, etc. brekkie isn't the same without it. Of course, I put Franks on pretty much everything normally. Doing this cleanse has reminded me of flavours other than Franks! hehe. I am growing cayenne peppers this year and will attempt to make my own sauce which will be as good, if not better, than Franks (hopefully)

  7. oh boy i am so excited!!! Hopefully we don't have another weekend of nothing but thunderstorms but just in case we hope to build a pretty wikked tarp structure. OH....and don't forget...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm chilli (veggie and meat options) on sunday afternoon/evening, available at mine and Tooly's site...just follow your nose!!!

  8. I'd go for the 80's costume party. I had one and it went over very well. The first hour you spend just howling at people's costumes. We made a bunch of mix cd's with all sorts of tunes from the 80's like hair rock, 'retro', old rap, pop and what not. Madonna is a must and so is Michael Jackson's Thriller. We also decorated the house with pink and turquoise balloons and streamers and lots of shiny silver. Very good time...wouldn't mind having another one actually.

    Disco party also sounds good. Been talking about having one of those too, or a toga party. Although that party suggestion with everyone wearing one colour or plaid sounds kinda fun too.

  9. kelly anne is an alternate ego??? ::damn you all...damn you all

    i'd have to say i don't like this alter ego/pseudonym sh!t either, only funny to those that know this person is doing this and not funny to those who get sucked in to thinking it is real..damn it, i'm gullible

  10. hehe...and i thought someone was actually detoxing..ya know with herbs and supplements (other than ganja). I am working up to one right now and have cut out cheese and I have 'whacko' dreams about things I can't eat right now...hehe...like cheese....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ...cheese

  11. Well, when I read the original post I could sympathize with many things that were said. Ideally it would be nice to share that with one person (other than yourself). I think in a lot of instances the 'love' has been taken out of making love. Now, someone might say well "i just wanna fu©k, not make love"... that's your perogative. But personally I have found that making love is more gratifying and satisfying all around (emotionally, spiritually, physically) than just screwing. I myself, have sometimes wished that I waited till I get married so I could share it with just that person and learn and explore with that person alone in comfort and trust...there are definitely some people I have been with that I wish I had never been with...they have a part of me now and I don't like that. Either way, kudos to your choice if it feels right for you. But I must say that if you claim to believe in God and follow him, then judging others on this board and calling them sinners is wrong (...judge not lest ye be judged...) and the Bible also says we are all sinners so don't get all high holy.

  12. 2 days!!!!.... 2 DAYS!!!! i must say, i am quite excited. Can;t make it out for all 3 though...oh well. I will probably have some eats on Sat. anyways cuz the food is sooooo good. Is there anything on the menu that is wheat and dairy free??? I know, crazy, but I just cut those out as I working up to a detox.

  13. Del---i had a situation with 'goof' before. I called some guy goofy and he flipped out on me and walked away and someone said to me that I shouldn't say that to him cuz he had been in jail. Whatever. I proceeded to go back up to the guy and tell him that 'goof' to most people means silly and to lighten up cuz he's not in jail anymore!

    Man, I am trying to think of other slang not mentioned here, but to tell ya the truth, I don't really notice when I use slang unless I am around someone from Europe that has learned proper English (british people aside). Although when I was around Kev more I learned some new ones that come out of my mouth now and some of my friends go 'what?'

  14. oh my goodness---i LOVE this thread....brings back so many memories. Every once in awhile a discussion comes up about old shows with friends. It is great to see what everyone remembers...is it just me or does kid's tv, especially saturday morning, suck now???

    Anyhoo, I would have to say my all time favourite would be the Muppet Show...I have a bunch of clips on my computer....PIGS IN SPAAAAAAAAAAACE!!! hehe

    I loved Fraggle Rock too. I wanted to be a puppetteer when I was little.

    Also loved You Can't Do That On Television, Transformers (had a wierd obsessive liking for Optimus Prime), Scooby Doo (did you know they have now taken the "doobey" out of the Scooby Doo song??? Now it's "scooby scooby doo" instead of "scooby doobey doo"...geez), Looney Tunes (classic) and someone mentioned Jeremy the Bear---holy sh!t I used to love that show and in past conversations could not remember the name of it for the life of me!

    Cosby Show is still one of the best...I love that it is still on...Different World was kind of a good add on to that.

    When I was little I used to sneak to watch Night Court every day after school with a bowl of salt and vinegar chips in hand. I remember thinking that Dan's dirty jokes were sure to get me in trouble if I got caught watching it.

    Sooo many more...most mentioned in this thread..ahhhhh the good old days!!

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