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Posts posted by onthejourney

  1. i really enjoyed seeing 'end of suburbia' if it is possible to enjoy seeing western civilizations demise ...hehe. I think I will definitely be going to more of these Sky Dragon events and it would be nice to become involved in their center when it is up and running; maybe doing some of my 'wellness' work there.

    Paisley---it is next week, not this week (just makin sure ya know) hopefully this time we both don't almost forget! ;):P


    Behind the Codex Alimentarius Commission is the United Nations and the World Health Organization working in conjunction with the multinational pharmaceutical cartel and international banks. Its initial efforts in the US with the FDA were defeated, so it found another ally in the FTC. Now Codex, with the FTC and the pharmaceutical cartel behind it, it threatens to become a trade issue, using the campaign of Operation Cure-All to advance its goals.

    Codex began simply enough when the U.N. authorized the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization to develop a universal food code. Their purpose was to 'harmonize' regulations for dietary supplements worldwide and set international safety standards for the purposes of increased trade. Pharmaceutical interests stepped in and began exerting their influence. Instead of focusing on food safety, Codex is using its power to promote worldwide restrictions on vitamins and food supplements, severely limiting their availability and dosages." (natural-health-information-centre.com)

    "But after careful scrutiny it appears that the strongest effect of this Directive will be to cut off availability of all vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and most other essential nutrients by re-classifying them as pharmaceutical drugs, eventually available by prescription only and manufactured by pharmaceutical companies from synthetic materials, including genetically engineered substances." Vitality Magazine Jan/Feb Issue

    Basically this is an important issue for everyone....even if the only supplement you take is Vitamin C. We have a right to naturally sourced vitamins, minerals, and supplements, NOT via prescription and NOT genetically engineered by the pharmy companies. I am appalled that this has been kept so quiet up until this point. This will all go into full effect as of August this year unless our voices are heard. PLEASE read the information in the links that follow and take the time to either sign one of the petitions or send a paper letter to your representative.

    Thank you muchly.



    http://www.kospublishing.com/ ---Go to "make a difference"



  3. Free Thought Film Series


    When? Friday, March 25th

    What time? 7:30 pm

    Where? Sky Dragon Centre

    24 King St. East, downtown Hamilton, across from the Gore Park Fountain, blue cloud-covered door

    Calling his new movie an “Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test on Tofu”, award-winning documentary director Ron Mann (Grass, Twist) joins actor/activist Woody Harrelson as he pilots a hemp-fuelled bus on an eco-consciousness raising incursion down the beautiful Pacific Coast. “Go Further” explores the idea that the single in dividual is the key to large-scale transformational change.

    The film follows actor Woody Harrelson as he takes a small group of friends on a bio-fuelled bus-ride down the Pacific Coast Highway. Their goal? To show the people they encounter that there are viable alternatives to our habitual, environmentally-destructive behaviors.

    The travellers include a yoga-teacher, a raw food chef, a hemp-activist, a junk-food addict, and a college student who suspends her life to impulsively hop aboard. We see the hostility these pilgrims encounter, and watch as their ideas are challenged from within and without.

    We meet an entrepreneur who runs a paper company that does not harm trees; an organic farmer who believes Nature is his partner; a man who teaches environmental activists to use humor as a strategic weapon. And throughout, we see Harrelson test his belief that the transformation of our planet begins with the small personal transformations that are within the grasp of each and every one of us, after which… we’ll go further.

    7:30 pm, $5 admission

    Information: call (905)-777-8102 or email: kevin@skydragon.org

  4. well said Bokonon! plus these farmers (especially wheat farmers) have Monsanto breathin down their backs as well! The world is really starting to disturb me with society's and gov't's so-called priorities.

  5. In response to Willy's comment..I don't really smoke weed anymore except for the odd one toke here and there although I have no problem with people who do. It just wasn't making me feel that great anymore so I rarely feel like smokin it much. Although, I do like to cook with it on occasion and I do see it as a wonderful medicine. Drinking-wise I don't drink that much although probably once a month I do get too drunk and pay for it the next day. Other than those two things I maybe chew 1 gram of shrooms total in one year.

    "there's a reason you're using the substance and that's what has to be dealt with."

    agreeing with alexis on that one...no matter what the substance is. We are all dealing with sh!t in our lives but I guess it is how you choose to go about 'dealing' with it.

  6. i realize you enjoy it...so did i..immensely! than don't quit doing it...like I said. But I will just say that even though it doesn't seem to effect you now it is taking a toll on you internally and it will catch up with you. Or who knows, maybe one day you might take the wrong pill. I don't want to get harsh or whatever. But ya know what? To put it bluntly...I don't want to see someone die again! or hear about it happening to someones friend again. Harsh but that's the way it is. Not trying to scare you or anything but you know why I feel the way I do about this. Thinking about it brings me to tears. I just care. Do what you want but I will still care. Doesn't mean that if i see you or anyone else on drugs at a show or festival that I will get in your face...cuz I won't but I will make sure that you are doing okay and see if you need anything if you are not okay. That is who I am. I look out for people.

    I am happy for you that it has not interfered with your work or that it is not all-consuming for you.

  7. well part of that work problem might have been that the e's i had been doing for 2 weeks prior had PCP in them which could cause more of a withdrawal. Granted, it affects people differently. No doubt about that one. I don't really want to get all preachy or anything as I think I have done that before on here and have mentioned the main reason/circumstance why I don't do it anymore and why I don't think others should. I genuinely worry about people. All it takes is once. I don't go by drug campaigns or the gov't or the like. I speak from personal experience and not experience that was only a couple times but a few years of really hard use and from what I saw and was apart of during that time and how I can still see the effects of it in me today after 4 years of being chemical-free.

    I think we have had this discussion somewhat before Del. I challenge you to go 6 months totally without it! If ya do it, you do it; if you don't you don't; you know (or at least should know) it's because I care. Even if you still do it, I will care about you just the same.

    Again, no judgement. I just worry sometimes. I was 'there' once too.

  8. I am in complete agreement with PalacePrincess. As someone who has also been the person who thought it was the most awesome thing and thought "oh, i don't do it that much...no big deal"---all B.S.!! I did a whole hell of alot of e and you definitely don't realize what it was doing to you until you have stopped for a significant amount of time (all the people i did it with are sharing similar long term effects as me)....not to mention all the other crap other than MDMA that your body gets more addicted to. I remember I finally got a job while I was doing tonnes of e....i kept the job for 1 week because I would puke everyday at work from withdrawal...i couldn't do my job cuz i needed to be high.

    I don't regret what i did cuz i learned lots and I wouldn't be where i am today but it is a bullsh!t drug and I am better off without it in my life. If ya want to do it than so it shall be, I don't look down or judge but as someone who cares; I worry, that's all.

    Kaidy Mae---as for the pharmie companies, I will be posting something regarding what those bastards have been up to with the UN in the next week.

  9. Taken from Indy Media:

    What? Screening of the documentary The end of Suburbia: Peak Oil and the End of the American Dream

    When? Friday, February 25th

    What time? 7:30 pm

    Where? Sky Dragon Centre

    24 King St. East, downtown Hamilton, across from the Gore Park Fountain, blue cloud-covered door

    What the heck? "We're literally stuck up a cul-de-sac in a cement SUV without a fill-up" - James Howard Kunstler

    Since World War II North Americans have invested much of their newfound wealth in suburbia. It has promised a sense of space, affordability, family life and upward mobility. As the population of suburban sprawl has exploded in the past 50 years, so too the suburban way of life has become embedded in the American consciousness.

    Suburbia, and all it promises, has become the American Dream. But as we enter the 21st century, serious questions are beginning to emerge about the sustainability of this way of life. With brutal honesty and a touch of irony, The End of Suburbia explores the American Way of Life and its prospects as the planet approaches a critical era, as global demand for fossil fuels begins to outstrip supply. World Oil Peak and the inevitable decline of fossil fuels are upon us now, some scientists and policy makers argue in this documentary.

    The consequences of inaction in the face of this global crisis are enormous. What does Oil Peak mean for North America? As energy prices skyrocket in the coming years, how will the populations of suburbia react to the collapse of their dream? Are today's suburbs destined to become the slums of tomorrow? And what can be done NOW, individually and collectively, to avoid The End of Suburbia?

    Hosted by Barrie Zwicker. Featuring James Howard Kunstler, Peter Calthorpe, Michael Klare, Richard Heinberg, Matthew Simmons, Michael C. Ruppert, Julian Darley, Colin Campbell, Kenneth Deffeyes, Ali Samsam Bakhtiari and Steve Andrews. Directed by Gregory Greene. Produced by Barry Silverthorn. Duration: 78 minutes

    Information: call (905)-777-8102 or email: kevin (at) skydragon.org

    Another awesome even for the community to come check the Sky Dragon out. The evening is guarenteed to please, we've got it all, big comfy couchs, fair trade organic coffee AND tea, and vegan hot chocolate for all the lovely vegans out there, and we've got some of the best company in the world, so come on down and chill with us, it's definately worth the trip up the stairs!!!

  10. Does anybody else feel like sh!t is starting to get out of hand? Like all the bad stuff is happening really fast and there is so much of it that you feel helpless to do anything? I subscribe to environmental and political emails and I used to get involved in everything but there is just so much. Sometimes I just feel like these megamonster companies with tonnes o' moola are going to do whatever they want, whenever they want no matter what. Don't get me wrong, I still sign the petitions and try to inform when I can but sometimes it is hard not to get down and feel like there is nothing you can do...really, it makes me very sad and angry....so many people have no idea and when you tell them, alot of them don't care or try to create change within themselves and around them. meh...i could rant forever but i won't..sorry to vent

    jroc---i signed it already before and thanks for postin it up...now i will send it off to more people

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