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Everything posted by backbacon

  1. backbacon


    It's just as good without adding milk or margarine! Woo hoo! I make it in the microwave but you can make it on the stove too. Throw in some busted up cripsy bacon for added romance!
  2. I didn't notice I was only paying the monthly fee. I'd pay the $80 or so balance every few months... that sounded about right.. I never really paid a gas bill before. And yeah, I'll get the meter replaced soon. Birdy, pfft, whatever! Ike, I reckon the gas company could just call the electrical company to confirm that I was living there. They are probably buddies. Agreed, KK, I'd be happy to pay based on my usage going forward. If I understood the girl on the phone Friday correctly, it sounds like that is what they plan to do. I don't think I shouldn't have to pay.. that would be nice, though. I should have been really pumping out the gas all year and saving it. I could have gone door to door selling people discount natural gas!! "Excuse me, Ma'am.. may I ask how much you are you paying for natural gas each month? .... Oh yeah, well what would you say if I told you I could cut that bill in half!.... yeah?! Cool, I'll be right back." Vrooooooom!
  3. Happy birthday Sunshine. I hope it was delightful!
  4. Just got off the phone with the Union Gas lady. Told her about getting a call that my meter wasn't registering usage and then told them about the letter I got saying I needed to call and arrange for them to replace the meter. I told her Tue-Thur was fine. I said my mom or sis could most likely be around to let them in. SHe said she didn't see any openings or something like that. Asked me to confirm with mom and sis and make sure they would be there and then get back to me. I said yeah sure, I'll get back to you. After that I asked her to clarify how I would be billed for the past year. She asked if it was a new unit. I said yeah. Not even sure what she meant by that.. the building I live in is about 100 years old. But I said yep, it's new, so she said my average would be based on usage going forward. What in the world is going on I thought as hung up. Oh well... the letter says if I don't contact them by apr 21 they will change the meter and leave it off, weather permitting. I held up my end of the bargain by contacting them. Fuck it anyway, I can handle a summer of cold showers. Now, time to go drink away this utter confusion!
  5. haha.. c-towns and Birdy.. thanks for backing me up on this! I have lived here for a year and two months almost. My average would suggest I use about 1 unit of gas per month. I even shut my pilot light off about the first week in March last year for the season. (Triggered by one nice day... it turned out that I shut it off about a month too soon.) Tooly, ouch! That is expensive! I'd say I keep my place at a fresh 55-65 degrees when I'm home. Not sure really.. my thermostat is an oldie and hard to read and not accurate. I turn it way down when I'm not home. Off if I go away for the weekend. Oh, hey there Ike!
  6. So someone from the gas company left a message last week asking if I was still using gas (heat and water) or if I moved out and if so, why was I still paying the monthly service fee. I guess their meter stopped registering my usage a month after I moved in. I have been paying only the monthly fee for over a year now, even though I have not stopped using gas. I just pay my bill online every few months, thinking all is in order. I rec'd a letter a couple days ago saying they were going to go ahead and average out what I owe them from the past 13 months based on typical average usage according to the temperature outside, etc. If I don't contact them by 21 Apr they are going to come and fix the meter and shut my gas off. I don't agree with this avareage usage approach as I believe that I keep my place waaay cooler than the average person. Kind of like winter camping. Anyone else not been charged for gas for a year? Can I just tell them to come and fix their broken meter and we'll start fresh, no harm done? I kind of don't want to pay them anything more than I already have. Can they make me pay whatever they say, based on other people's average usage? I'm going to call them on Friday and get this sorted out but wanted to get some advice first.
  7. Happy birthday! Always nice to see you out and about!
  8. copy the url and paste into browser. Soooooooo worth it... well, sort of, not really...
  9. Please start over but read out loud and record it and I'll grab the tapes off you when you're done and just listen the book in my car to and from work. Thanks Mark, you're the best!
  10. Yes! I'm looking forward to acting like a t-rex later on today! On a related note: For no good reason at all I gave the nickname 'T-Rex' to this one friend of mine. He doesn't even like the name so I only call him that about half the time.
  11. Chewie, I'd go watch the Crowes with you if I wasn't busy already. I muset admit, I can fuckchop it up with the best of 'em!
  12. July 11 eh... I bet half of the fuckchops who are going to Bayfest have already started their pre-drinking.
  13. Ha! Which KK are you asking? But yeaaaah.... no, not going to make it I don't think; too meatheady but maybe not.
  14. What Sarnia Bayfest lacks in lawnchairs they more than amply make up for in total fucking meatheads. (Or so has been my experiences.)
  15. Happy birthday, Mary! I hope it's awesome!
  16. just drop it in a mailbox and let the governement take care of it.
  17. This will be a very special event to be sure! Good job to all involved!
  18. Wowzers! Couldn't be worse timing, eh Spencer! Congrats on the move though.. you sure pick beautiful places to live. :content:
  19. Sounds fantastic. Wish I could make it. Can the stage handle 15 people?!
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