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Everything posted by backbacon

  1. backbacon


    I live for this shit! I like the part where the cat is on the computer and the two folders on his desktop are 'mice' and 'whiskers' and he's playing around with that ball of yarn shortcut. This is definitely going on the next rando party dvd.
  2. I have not rec'd my tix yet. Should I start worrying?
  3. I'd say you do it the way you're thinking, ph. Min bids are a good idea too.
  4. Yeah, nice story. I can piture it now... *ding dong* Oh, hey fellas... (hands over spatulas) I was just about to make breakfast... you're in charge of the eggs... you, you're on hashbrowns. They'd be like... umm, just take this Awake!, we've gotta get next door.
  5. I need to buy one. Hard drive type. Old MD recorder died at Christmas. Any suggestions? Thx.
  6. Happy birthday to my favourite badass internet biker!
  7. I'll be havinbeers on the golf course in 1 hour! Heavenly!
  8. Thorgnor after the Battleship Ethel show in Hamilton: "Uhh, yeah, I don't know... they're too mathy."
  9. haha... it's okay Scottie... I'll think of something nice to say on your birthday too!
  10. I was really hoping we'd be dealt one of our recurring one day layoffs today so I could make the show last night... nope though. Good going, Lg Mg!!! Did the production get extended at all or was it just one time deal?
  11. Happy birthday Guigs!!! London no longer interests me since you're gone!
  12. Happy birthday Baj!!! Here, I took this photo for you:
  13. That was so disappointing to hear about this am. I was really looking forward to seeing how this adventure would go. So anticlimactic.
  14. photo, c-towns? Keep the Ranger alive.
  15. That's great! Looks like a super fun party at the end with all the internet people!
  16. They've been one of my favourite bands for over ten years. Some of the best song writing I've seen.
  17. If you're in Chatham on Saturday stop on in for the Spring Jet Elektro dance party!!
  18. So you liken a manufactured boy-band that didn't pen their own songs or create their own image with real musicians not called The Monkees or The Hives? Umm, I really don't know much of anything about NKOTB, just kinda shootin' from the hip with my statement. But yeah, I had The Who in mind when I said that. I've heard of the Monkees but am not familiar with the Hives, are they reuniting or something?
  19. Yeah, heaven forbid professional musicians write some new songs, freshen up old classics, plan a huge production of a tour and get out there and put on the best show they can to the delight of millions.
  20. Sold out in 20 minutes I hear.
  21. That's great! Interesting that Jessica Alba is one of the tags for that. Hmm??
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