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Everything posted by backbacon

  1. "Thankfully, the quintet's combination of Doobie Brothers and Funkadelic is cheerily infectious; add some countrified shuffle, a smattering of space skronk and a generous helping of solos, and you've got the musical ingredients for a successful jam band." haha, space skronk! I have to write that one down.
  2. Yeah, good times last Friday. It's been years since I've left a BNB unsatisfied! Real good vibe at the PJC for sure. Awesome to reconnect a little with some folks I hadn't seen in a long time and meet some new friends too! Here's a sample of some of the blurry photos I took: The drive there: BNB: Jeff & Gavin: Mike: Jeff: Gavin: Visited Richard Manuel's grave on Sunday: And his neighbours:
  3. Yeah, Schwa mentioned something about getting drunk in a garage. Here's the view from my desk:
  4. well, don't stay up too late... you are going to want to swipe me in by 8 am. thanks.
  5. Oh, it isn't an issue of not having enough time to surf the net. Plus, my boss just left for Utah for the rest of the week. Now, time to put some pictures on the web and keep enjoying sirius radio and finsish my spaghetti! If you want to help out, schwa, you can come down here this saturday, swipe in for me and come back 10 hours or so later and swipe back out.
  6. Hopefully I can make it down for this... It all depends on how I do with putting in extra time at work until then. I had a 50+ hour debt to make up to the company after the scotland trip because I used way more vacation days than I actually had.
  7. Not a lot going on in Chatham this weekend I don't think. Give me a shout!
  8. Right on. yes, they are sounding great these days. I like the keys with them too. Are you going to see any of the other shows? Pick up the new album if you haven't already. Oh, and studog gave me some pictures from some sort of weird birthday party or something he attended while he was out there.
  9. I second that. I go see them every chance I can. Their new album 'Cloud 9 Revisited' is excellent! They semi-regularily play London and Toronto too.
  10. That's awesome! Except I can't think of any song besides Axl-F.
  11. Thanks folks. Babsy, you spelled mad wrong... unless you think I made my skills. Hmm.. interesting. I found what I thought to be some shroomies on a solo hike in the pouring rain and jammed them into my pocket and put them into a big ziplock when I got back to the cottage and then a few days later I remembered the bag in my suitcase so I opened it up and it was all soggy and wet inside and I gagged on the smell for five minutes straight. I still almost gag just thinking of it. I prefer the prepackaged kind. I just found my pipe under the couch, Birdy! I'll post another batch of photos next week maybe if anyone wants to see some more sheep and hills.
  12. Thanks Dr. EVil, nice to be home. No the house isn't in the family anymore. They never actually owned it but were there for the building of it and occupied it for nearly 100 years. The Cameron family owns it. They are big land owners in the area. I guess my great uncle left it to the Camerons in his will, which made family angry... even though he really had no choice who it would go to, since it was never Kennedy owned. We had the opportunity to meet the current owner of the house at the Lochearnhead Hotel (which he used to own as well*) where we were staying. He filled us all in on all sorts of funny tales of my great uncle. Uncle Donald was the town character for sure. Anyways, the current owner, Angus Cameron, showed us his blueprints of what he plans to do with the house in restoring it. Very interesting stuff. All rebuilding/ additions have to adhere to the code of teh Historical Society of Scotland. (He called it the Histerical Society of Scotland because they are such sticklers.) Looking forward to revisiting the site years down the road. *He wasn't too happy with now having to buy his pints where he hadn't had to before. (Because he owned the place.) Ha! That's funny that your parents are Donald and Margaret! And yes, the sculptures were so real looking it was creepy! Even so much as every hair folicle looked real. Thanks, Birdy. Hey, did I leave my pipe at your place on Sunday? Lost it. Thanks, Esau, yeah no worries... we managed to fill up the two weeks pretty quickly as it was. See you tomorrow!
  13. Yup, still some family living over there. We went to Lochearnhead to meet up with my dad's aunt Nainnie, who is, I believe, at 88 one of two remaining siblings of my grandpa's still living. We also met a few of my grandpa's cousins and my dad's cousins and others too. I couldn't really keep track of it all. Lots of Donalds and Margarets. ALl very pleasant though. It was really enriching and meaningful to meet family but also rather sad to know I wouldn't be seeing most, if not all, of them again. You would love it if you do end up making the effort to seek out some family, Phorbesie. They're out there! Here is little Aunt Nainnie as I saw her for the last time. Yeah, QQC, I really dug those cows too! Highland cows (pronounced eeland coos) were wandering all around in the pasture behind the cottage we stayed at. I walked right up to them. They're tame unless they have a calf, I guess. Thanks LJFH! And yes, HHOF! Awesome, I'll pm you. Yeah, I definitely plan on going back to Scotland in 20 years or so. A much easier going way of life over there for sure. I should mention, that sculpture above of 'Wild Man' stood (or sat I shoudl say) I estimate 12 feet tall. Do a google image search for RON MUECK to see some other great sculptures he did. I only grabbed a photo of that one because each piece had its own guard watching it, making sure no one took photos.
  14. I'm not unveiling the photo with Nessy in it until it is confirmed by the Historical Society of Scotland to be 100% authentic. So yeah, maybe I'll do that up tonight! Thanks Phorbesie! It isn't difficult when everywhere you turn there is a great photo op.
  15. Hi, So I went to Scotland for a couple weeks. It was nice. We landed in Edinburgh, stayed there two nights, went to St. Andrews for two nights, Lochearnhead for two nights, 2 nights in Pitlochery, umm, Inverness for two nights, and then 6 nights at a charming cottage in Kinlochard. Flew out of Gatwick. I took nearly 1000 photos, of which 60 can be viewed here: Here's a little preview: Ron Mueck sculpture at National Gallery of Scotland in Edinburgh (insanely life-like!): Drummond Castle Garden tour: Highland Cow: Loch Ness: House my grandfather lived in before moving to Canada (and his brother lived in from 1904 - 1991) 2nd batch: CLICK
  16. What time does this show start? is there going to be an opener? 2 BIG sets, right? (ie: not 45 minutes long?) How much does it cost? Thanks.
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