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Everything posted by backbacon

  1. I have only one. It has made a very dark area brighter. Good job bulb.
  2. Work blocks that site.. thanks, Mr. Photogeek. I'll hae to check it out at home.
  3. Is this a text thing? Can someone post it here.. I can't access that site. Thanks.
  4. oh yeah... I know those bulbs. I like them.
  5. Yes! Neil Young's my favourite! Hi QQC! You going to the Diesel show on Friday?
  6. Woo hoo! Congratulations, Birdy!
  7. Hmm, can't say I really know what you're talking about, timouse. I'll have to look into that and get back to you.
  8. Stu dog's roomate waxes the kithcen floor too much and the dog (actual dog, big dog, not sure what kind it is) falls over onto its side because the floor is too slippery. Well, last night stu went to go pick the dog up or something like that and, not really sure what happened, but somehow the dog ended up biting a hole in stu dog's scrotum! Sounds to me like some tall tale stu whipped up to cover up what really went on with the dog. Anything to get a day off work, eh stu.
  9. stu, I think you better tell everyone what you're talking about... if you don't I will. drinks tonight and tomorrow night?
  10. Nice doors but no windows... hmm. I'm not goign to see them tonight but if the general concensus is that they suck, NewRider is going to get beat up by me the next time I see him.
  11. Hey, QQC asked a question, I just answered... but yeah, I would like to check out DBT.
  12. Yeah, I htink the darkness is far more conducive to productivity, \/\/, maybe that's why I basically live in a dungeon.
  13. sounds like a good idea, stnmtn... escept she would just start shining flashlights in everyone's eyes to keep up the light annoyingness. She's new too... new and thinks she runs the place. joke! Plus she's got like two personal little lamps at her desk. How much light do you need, sally?
  14. don't get me wrong, she's a nice enough lady... does a lot for charity and stuff. Always wanting to collect money for damn cakes though. I'll chip in for cakes for people in my own department, thanks. I don't go asking her to chip in for my dad's new golf shirt I bought him.
  15. Sitting at my desk, looking around... wishing that one bitch wouldn't come and turn all the harsh lights on when she gets into work. Everone else but her likes to work int he dark but nooooo, jerk wad has to ruin everyone's day with these mind numbing florescents. How about you, QQ?
  16. Oh, I see how this works, just strike up a conversation in the contest thread for better odds of winning! Thanks for all your generosity, Alabama Man! Congratulations to whoever wins stuff.
  17. I want to punch myself for not going to see you last Haloween... I'm sorry Bobby.
  18. Whatever you're doing out west, I hope you're having a killer time! PM me your address when you get one. Have a great day!
  19. I've been wanting to watch these puppies but youtube is restricted at work and I don't have the patience at home. I like yousendit much better.
  20. I hope you have a killer interview! woo hoo.
  21. WSP playing Chest Fever should be great. I'm goign to buy this album for sure!
  22. Yep, with Brian Wilson. Met this one ding-bat during intermission after Wilson played who going home because he had only came to see Brian Wilson. He had never seen Paul Simon. I wanted to push him off the bridge we were standing on and watch him fall and wreck his fancy new Brian Wilson autographed poster. (Nothing against BW, he's great!)
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