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Everything posted by backbacon

  1. I am not going but will share in the hype! I saw him summer 2001 or so at Molson Amp and it was just great! I loved it from start to finish. Top 5 concert experiences, hands down! Maybe top 3. Wish I was going this time around... not in the cards though..
  2. Sounds like you just made all that crap up, Weirdness. Personally, I'd go with something like this here Magnavox. It's not so narrow on top that your vcr keeps falling off.
  3. Hi, I bought a dvd in scotland only to find out I can't play it because it is in PAL format. I've spent a couple hours poking around on the internet to find a solution but it always seems to come to buying something or not figuring out something. Does anyone have experience with converting from PAL to NTSC? I wanna watch my dang Eddie Rose dvd already! Thanks.
  4. http://www.break.com/index/the_little_dude_can_dance.html Looks like my little buddy Ricey!
  5. haha.. I get it now! I played for about 2 minutes. I was pretty puzzled with my sudden inability to spell 'access' correctly. No wonder why! Frickin abcess... sounds like a dr. evil mouse word to me! I liked the speak and spell when I was young. "Spell 'for' as in 'for someone'." I still say that to myself sometimes... all digitally like the speak & spell used to.
  6. An interesting read... FROM: The Secret Letter From Iraq Posted Friday, Oct. 06, 2006 Written last month, this straightforward account of life in Iraq by a Marine officer was initially sent just to a small group of family and friends. His honest but wry narration and unusually frank dissection of the mission contrasts sharply with the story presented by both sides of the Iraq war debate, the Pentagon spin masters and fierce critics. Perhaps inevitably, the "Letter from Iraq" moved quickly beyond the small group of acquantainaces and hit the inboxes of retired generals, officers in the Pentagon, and staffers on Capitol Hill. TIME's Sally B. Donnelly first received a copy three weeks ago but only this week was able to track down the author and verify the document's authenticity. The author wishes to remain anonymous but has allowed us to publish it here — with a few judicious omissions. The Secret Letter From Iraq "Best Chuck Norris Moment — 13 May. Bad Guys arrived at the government center in a small town to kidnap the mayor, since they have a problem with any form of government that does not include regular beheadings and women wearing burqahs. There were seven of them. As they brought the mayor out to put him in a pick-up truck to take him off to be beheaded (on video, as usual), one of the Bad Guys put down his machine gun so that he could tie the mayor's hands. The mayor took the opportunity to pick up the machine gun and drill five of the Bad Guys. The other two ran away. One of the dead Bad Guys was on our top twenty wanted list. Like they say, you can't fight City Hall."
  7. just open up the bedroom door and the front door of your house and stand just outside and make twirping noises and it should go to see what is going on and fly out the front door. If that doesn't work, add an element of distress to your twirping sounds. I just now thought up this technique, fyi. Let us know how it goes!
  8. Oh didn't see a couple of posts up ther.e.. thanks Timouse! Good to hear. Thanks popo and yes, it was really something to see that house I had only before seen in pictures. Interesting about the castle. I was pretty close to South Lanarkshire, having been in Glasgow. Probably drove right past it when we drove to England. I just read that it was rumoured Travolta was looking to buy it to turn it into a Scientology center. From: http://www.lockharts.com/leecastle/index.html "Robert the Bruce is reputed to have signed a charter under the branches of The Pease Tree, an ancient oak, still standing in front of the house. If true, the tree is well over 600 years old." From: http://www.castlesofscotland.com/wordpress/gothic-castles-for-sale/14/08/2006/ "A plaque on the floor of the family chapel, inscribed with the Latin words Numquam Despera, ‘never give up’, marks the spot where Leslie Peter’s heart is buried." '> Castle for sale on internet site: Sellers are hoping to get in the region of £8m for the castle A castle complete with 250 acres of land and its own baronet's title is up for sale on the internet auction site eBay with a price tag of £4m. The sellers of Lee Castle in the Clyde Valley near Lanark have struggled to find a buyer for the building, which is 700-years-old. They said the property has attracted a lot of interest on eBay. Although the price tag reads £4m, the selling agents Remax International said they hope to get between £8m and £9m. Pipes and drums The poor exchange rate with the dollar is thought to have discouraged American buyers and a deal last November fell through at the last minute. The new owner of the Gothic-style castle, should one be found, will also become the 35th Baron or Baroness of Lee. Another prize that comes with the estate is the 25-member Pipes and Drums of the Barony of Lee who will play for the new residents at the baron's beckoning. Gordon Lockhart, of Remax, said: "The owner will also have the privilege of registering their own coat-of-arms, motto and even the family tartan." There have been three bids since the sale went on eBay, but the amounts have not been revealed. A good read here: "While serious bids have been received, the asking price of 8.5 Million Pounds UK (US$14 Million) has not been met. With bidding to close on Saturday, Lee Castle officials declined to say who the offers are from, but that Travolta is not one of them." And that is pretty crazy that you were sort of related to and met Leslie Peter. Here's an article that talks about him: "The 30,000sq ft castle was previously owned by the American multi-millionaire Leslie Peters, who died from cancer in November 2002. The flamboyant Mr Peters, who bought the castle in 1988, counted the former United States presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton among his personal friends. The eccentric businessman loved his Scottish home so much that he had his heart flown from the United States in a lead casket to be buried in the castle grounds. His son Stephen Peters, who now lives in Florida, said it was a very difficult decision to sell the castle. At the time he said: "Selling it was a heartbreak but our family didn’t see the economics of keeping it. "It was also hard to put a price on the castle, never mind the baron title that goes with it. The upkeep of the castle for the new owner will not be as bad as many people think. It will cost around £10,000 per month and about six people will be required to work there." $250,000 a year in upkeep! Wowzers!
  9. I don't see where time comes into it. All it's doing for me is asking me to spell words. They all seem to begin with 'A' too. Hmm.
  10. Jeez, fricken people coming to my desk to ask silly questions at three minutes to quitting time. Joke! QQC, that was the road that lead to that fancy garden place. The picture is a screen shot from the video I took as we drove down that road. The video is about 5 minutes long and features John Prine's Taking a Walk as the soundtrack. I took about 10 gigs or 4 hours of video on my camera. Most of it is driving down crazy roads with music playing. Now... 9 more minutes! Woo hoo!
  11. Thanks Birdy. yeah, I liked those fancy trees too... thus taking a photo of every single one almost. Good luck with your home garden project. I hope that works out for you! Thanks PalacePrincess! I htink that's the first time you have called bacon. Hm. I don't think you copied the url for th photo right. It should end in jpg not ?v=0. I guess I'll never know what picture you like. Quitting time in 6 minutes! Woo hoo!
  12. Why thank you! fyi, the one up there ^^^ with 'crazy eh' over it is a composite of two photos with a psychedelic doctored up sky.
  13. I got some rading to do this afternoon. Thanks Dr.! Only read one story so far. Wild stuff.
  14. I added a second batch of photos if anyone is interested. HERE A few samples.. This is my folks at the beach in St. Andrew's. The tide was waaay out and it was foggy. Crazy eh. Here is the outhouse behind my grandpa's old house. My grandpa's brother used it up until he died in '91.
  15. backbacon

    The Office

    I keep seeing your avatar bouche and think that it's weezy posting! The Office is funny stuff! British and USian. Too bad I forget to watch it EVERY week. I've only seen 3 episodes total probably of the US version. That and My Name is Earl... I forget to watch that every week too. Come to think of it, the only thing I remember to watch is Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. That's a good show too.
  16. London on a Wednesday night. I'm there!
  17. It's a little too early in the morning to be excited about such a techy thing but the photos posted on here are now regulated to 500 pixels instead of 400! Yee haw! Rock on bouche! That doesn't really make a difference for this picture though: Woo hoo!
  18. No shows on the horizon until the brick nixon banditos 10 anniversary. We'll hook it up soon-like though. I'll give you a shout when I'm heading into London next.
  19. Me too! Pretty long drive for a school night it was! I have some photos (real ones on photo paper) lying around that Mud took that night that I could post.
  20. Does it really matter, Chewie? YOu get to go hang out with a bunch of college girls in NYC for next to nothing! Sort of a second honeymoon for ya, if you will..
  21. I put the jambands page way up there so it could be seen in the photo. Usually my web window is way down in the bottom right corner. With the monitor positioned way at the back of the computer and the angle that it is at, the only way anyone can see the web window would be if they were pretty much right over my shoulder. But yeah, Alt+Tab is great in a pinch! I worked some numbers and there is a good chance I can get my hours debt down below 10 by the 20th so yeah, it's looking good for making the Diesel Lanc show!
  22. pretty funny article. "The outfit is called the Burt Neilson Band, but none of its members is named Burt Neilson; it's fitting the group seems to be lacking something. Should they find themselves a frontperson -- a George Clinton-like ringleader, perhaps -- who's unencumbered by an instrument and able to give the band a focus, they could become scarily good (and maybe expand their fan base)."
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