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Wolfe Island Fest (BnB) here!


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Thanks for your interest, I hear ya about the lack of info- we had the same problem originally. The thing is (and Im not sure I really understand it) that they are trying to keep this festival somewhat low-key, because they feel that the locals will "hear" about it, and theyre expecting 1000 people- even without any promo. Its a strange way to do business, but they seem to be pretty confident, and they have Dan Aykroyd and that guy from the Hip, so theyre probably right. Anyway, enough of my rambling, heres everything that I (and the BNB) knows:

Festival starts early Saturday, with a volleyball tournament (or something) and live local bands kicking off at 1:00. That evenings headliners include Aykroyd and Johnny Fay (hip). Then theres DJ's all night. Sunday kicks off again at 1:00 with local bands all day, with Burt Neilson headlining the show, going on from 8:00- 9:30 PM, folowed by the headlining DJ's.

Tickets cost $40.00 for the entire weekend (no cheaper single day tickets) and those include camping on site. Its a BYOB festival, so it should be pretty lax as far as security goes, but thats just an assumption.

Some of the other bands include: Lounge Act, Function Junction, Mystic Caravan, Stefanie Earle, Logan Seed, and a bunch of apparently well known DJ's, but Im outta that loop, so I never wrote their names down. (hahaha).

Directions to the festival are: 401 to Kingston, go just past kingston and get off at Hwy. 15 to Smith Falls and Ottawa. At the third lights youll go right- it will take you back into kingston through the other side, you will cross a drawbridge,and at the first lights hang a left to the Wolf Island Ferry. The ferry is free, and runs every hour, on the hour up until the last one at 2:00AM. Get off the ferry on Wolf island, and hang a right. Folow the road for a mile and keep a look out for the festival.

If these directions are kinda vague, just go into kingston and ask for directions to the ferry, it shouldnt be hard to find. The festival is definately going on, but its a fully private affair- so maybe thats why the tourism people haven't heard about it? Anyway, if I can be of anymore help, just let me know.

Hope to see you there,

Darryn Marcus

Road Manager- Burt Neilson Band

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right on little booch..

I'm still trying to talk Lany into staying over on sunday. At one point she was totally into staying for BNB but then I talked to the big booch.. and talked lany out of it, now I'm trying to talk her back into staying for BNB.

Either way we are going to hang out on the river listning to Dead / ++ and smoking black..

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Usually you know you've got good plans if your doing the opposite of what Andre is. wink.gif" border="0 Can anybody say "cheap shot".

So, since he suggests not going to Wolfe Island, how can we lose. Especially with black and fungus on the river then BnB.

I will be saving money by only spending $40 instead of the $60 I would spend at the bar. Last night I spent well over $40.

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