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jambands.com poll!!


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Go for it bradm. I'm surprised they didnt use a cookie to block repetitive voting. Somebody from the Midwest must be doing some repetitive clicking too, because they jumped like 200 votes in the last hour. I clicked in a good 31 or so bouch. Do you mean 30 clicks, which is actually on ly 15 votes for some reason. Or 60 clicks = 30 votes.

Clickety click, jambands.com trick.

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Originally posted by Harpua:

Clickety click, jambands.com trick.

Auuggghhhh!!! Barbapapa flashbacks!

Actually, while in Paris, I stopped in at the Eiffel Tower, and went cruising around the refreshment stands. At one, I stopped dead in my tracks, shaking with a cold sweat.

It was the cotton candy machine. Normally, cotton candy doesn't cause such a stark Fear and Loathing in me, but it wasn't the product, it was the sign.

In France, cotton candy is known as "father's beard" (which makes sense, as it resembles a beard, albeit a pink one). In French, "father's beard" gets translated as "barbe a' papa".

That's what stopped me: Barbapapas under the Eiffel Tower? Then I realized that the cartoon show must originally have been French, and having characters who are pink and purely moldable, it makes sense to name them after cotton candy.


BRAD (Barbapapa Remebrances, Almost Demented)

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I did 30 votes. I made it go up by 30.

I was thinking about making a javascript to do the dirty work, but the fact of the matter is that sounded like work.

I'm spending my last few minutes here clicking on the poll.

It'd be funny if we all did it at the same time for a bit, and watch the number soar.

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