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Sorry - Looking back that post seemed rude but if I can i'd like to put in dibbs on about 5 seats. I played a nero disc for my class and a few people want to go out east for NYE.

It's either out east ot toronto and toronto won't likely be as much of a party as NB.

So don't rush but whoever's planning/organizing the trip, are we going to try to get group rates at an inn or motel or something? everyone throw in for 'perishibles' and food?

who's bringing the acoustic guitars and basses for the alternators' impromptu jams on the way down and back??

Serious, folks - this could be better than Come Together if we make it a real trip!

Woo Hoo!!! rolleyes.gif" border="0

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Hey Beats. That show will be a blast. I think the plan is to have both bands set up on stage and do nero>gtb>nero>gtb, and I'm sure there will be some crazy jamming involved, and perhaps some both bands at once action. I know of 5 people for sure who are interested/confirmed.. it'd be cool to have a serious Ontario contingency.. I'm sure cool stuff will be going down in Ontario too. For those who can't make it..

Jomomma is playing in Kitchener I know for sure. They are a great band to party with, and dance your ass off too.. the room is the Lancaster tavern and it's a beautiful place to watch a show, (great sound/ ambience of a ski lodge)

AND, I'm sure BnB will be playing somewhere in Southern Ontario too.. They've been hinting, and I'm sure they'll have a great blowout no matter where they play.

So don't worry, if you can't make it out East, there will be great parties in Ontario too. grin.gif" border="0

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Im sure it will be good , but I dont know if anything can be as good as the Come Together Music festival.

My decision is between the nero/GTB and whatever BNB is doing for nero.

I was lucky enough to weasel out of a lame-ass free Caribbean cruise over the holidays so I should be able to make it one or the other, and yes I like the group travel idea. Let us know when you get it all organized Beatcan.

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Okay - for anyone that knows me, planning is not my for-tay.

Also, I don't have a job or own a house or anything tangible, so credit isn't somethng i have a lot of.

As well, I'm not in a part of tyhe country to get a chater to see nero or GTB filled. I just wanted to say save me 5 seats or so because I heard someone was trying to plan a trip out east for a meager, paltry sum.

I want to get wasted and blasted oin new year's with folks from the 613 in a different cultural centre of Canada.

I want to party down with cool folks and not be the one planning it...i'll brainstorm but if by asking about somehting means I'm planning it i'll start making a lot more statements.

Nero deserves an Ontario Contingency.

we should ALL go.


and just so everyone knows, i'm outta tar.

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