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Trey and Mike play with Vida Blue (additional commentary)


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As reported by Jambands.com:

Phish members Trey Anastasio and Mike Gordon joined Vida Blue on stage during the encore of its New Year’s Eve show at Roseland Ballroom in New York City. Vida Blue features keyboardist Page McConnell (Phish), bassist Oteil Burbridge (Allman Brothers Band) and drummer Russell Batiste (The Funky Meters). Anastasio and Gordon each played guitar during a 15-minute version of Traffic’s “Light Up or Leave Me Alone.”

Vida Blue will release its first album this spring.

if this does anything folks, it leads me to make not one but two predictions:

a)the easy one - Phish will not be playing together in 2002 -Spring and Summer Tours will include TAB and Vida Blue

b)the hopeful one - with the amount of contact the boys still seem to be in, reunion is enivitable, my call - summer 2003 with spring surprise tour/recording session

Hope everybody had a wicked New Year's! Let's hear some regional reports from those lucky enough to go : Nero, BNB, Jomomma ?



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I'm in NYC right now and saw the show. Oteil Burbridge is the coolest musician I've ever heard or seen. Vida Blue really was amazing. There were about two songs though that Page must have wrote 'cause he sang them, that really sucked. The rest was awsome!!! For the encore, Trey and Mike came out and both played guitar. Mike took a nice solo.

Due to things that I've heard, I have a feeling that Phish may be doing a fall tour. Just a guess though. My opinion is Vida Blue Spring tour and separately Trey Band sometime soon as well. I did hear though that all of Phish locked themselves in their studio, alone, and jammed for a long time.

Anyways, later that night (NYE), I went to a bar that some band was playing at who sounded exactly like Phish. I didn't really like them though. Mike Gordon was there and though he didn't play, he let the guitar player use his guitar for a bit (the one he played earlier that evening). The guy looked pretty overwelmed about that.

Today I went to Conan O'brien, so if you watch it tonight, you may hear me and my buddy Phil laughing and screaming the whole show. It was pretty funny.

Happy New Year everybody!!! grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

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Nero/GTB was awesome.

4 sets of nonstop music.

we forgot the meat prizes, GTB made toast, and i was dancing.

i haven't seen so many heads since frontier town.

i desperately want to tell the east coasters about it but don't have very many email addresses...actually, i just got one.

so! the show was fantastic, the travel companions were all too perfect for the trip, and after the arduous journey to fredericton, we found a band of saints among sinners...the carson downey band. such a good band the first night in a foreign town. I couldn't help but recall tenacious d lyrics all the time...i wonder why. but i digress. After Kyla's struggle to find the best sunglasses, she danced so hard from the groove that they fell apart.

that's alright. it was dark in there.

Everyone was gorgeous, the beer was pretty decent, there were loads of pool tables, and the night was truly magical. the after party was really fun too. it was just a house party that nero almost got kicked out of...those rowdy bastards.

I've got to tip my hat to the east coast crew for making the night so great!

Extra special thanks go out to the angel that let a few of the ottawa crew enjoy a different locale.

vans rock. Next time we go we should get a van.

still tired from the journey. I felt guilty about leaving the east coast behind.

I hope more ends up going on out there. tongue.gif" border="0

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Hey p.p. ! Great shit man. The last time I was in NYC, I went to the Conan show too. It was only his 2nd year I think. When Paul and I tried to get tickets they said that they had tons. They usually had to pull people off of the street to fill the audience.

It was funny, because we ended up going to it 2 nights in a row, and his warm-up-the-audience routine was identicle both nights. I think he sang some elvis in there too.

Glad you enjoyed the show too. That was a very nice way to spend NYE.

PS...thanks for posting from NYC. I think I'm going to have to create a map with all of the cities highlighted from where people go to and then find a computer and post. I can't wait to get all of Brad M's on the map too.

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Well...all this phish is touring this year ain't happening. I'll bet anyone green $$$ on that.

Fishman just had a little girl that's why his show on the 28th was cancelled, Page has a band, Trey has a band, and Mike is a robot anyways.

We should be happy they're not playing...they were starting to suck at the end anyways tongue.gif" border="0

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