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bayou friday madness


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Friday will rock!! Can't wait to see Jambolaya again! I think you will all realy enjoy Quivertwist as well, crazy sax madness!

Nugget Productions Presents

Jambolaya w/ Quivertwist

Friday April 12, 2002

The Bayou 1071 Bank St.



Jambolaya makes their much anticipated return to Ottawa Jambolaya is a band fused with the improvisational spirit and freedom of jazz. The band's continuously growing repertoire of intricate songs reflects the group's commitment to writing music that intermingles various genres ranging from rock, blues, funk and hip-hop to the far reaches of sonar exploration. On stage, the members of Jambolaya seek to transmit their extensive backgrounds in music scholarship as an onslaught of sound that mesmerizes as it commands audiences to stand on their feet and move to the groove.


An original band that was formed in November 2000. They are an instrumental trio that create adventures in groove by incorporating elements of rock, jazz and blues into their unique style. Managing to sound like none of these while using them all, they write music that defies easy classification. The band members' eclectic musical tastes range from Kyuss to Dream Theater to Morphine to Mr. Bungle to 311, and all contribute to their genre-bending tendencies. Their songs are hooky and to the point. It is instrumental music that commands active listening from its audience

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his name is silkyboy


i can't get a nametag out for him on short notice - bouche has the laminator... he'll be the guy who looks like... hmm... a biker

i could send the small faces cd with him though, sloth do you want it mp3d or straight analog copy ?

hey... do you guys wear your nametags out all the time ????

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i didn't know anyone, i thought the tags were a total hoot.

i thot everyone was going to wear them again for 420 though cuz the kitchener crew were coming ?

i dunno i thought i heard that though... (from somebody who said we'll need at least 10 new ones)

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So who all is up for this tonight? I've been ambivalating about it, as I'm working through a cold (which is tailing off, but still there), was out last night, and need energy for the weekend...but just might be convincable if enough of the crew were out ("The bigger the crowd, the more people show up for it. You get a small crowd, nobody shows up.").



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