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Donnie Darko **possible spoilers**


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Hey Jaimoe

We finally saw that Donnie Darko movie youse guys were raving about.

That's quite a frikken mysterious flick indeed.

I found the text from that "Philosophy of Time Travel" book, which is mainly explains the entire movie, and which characters have what role in that 'reality'.

I though you might enjoy it, if you haven't read it yet.

The Philosophy of Time Travel

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It's true that there is SHITLOADS more than meets the eye in that one.

From what I'm gathering, every character seems to be connected somehow.

The fact that you can now look at Donnie as a "Living receiver" and other characters as 'manipulated dead/living' gives you more connections.

******* more spoilin' ********





























It appears that everything that happened after the engine fell from the sky occurred in a Tangent Universe and Donnie was directed (via Frank and the manipulated living/dead) to correct it before time and space collapsed destroying the universe.

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That movie was so great- Peter and I have been raving about it to everyone since we saw it a week or so ago.

By the way- I spent the time to compile that cult thread into a list- its awesome- some movies are given multiple votes and move up the list so we end up with a list of the jambands top 180 cult films- or some such. I will post it soon.


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Hey Groovefetish! Send me that list, and I'll make a permanent link to it here. That would be a fantastic thing to look at whenever I need to layback and watch something.

It would be massive and universal movie list that doesn't get lost or fall under the refrigerator.

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Hey Bouche,

I'm glad you liked Donnie Darko. I haven't checked out all the " Special Features " yet for the DVD ( which I happily own ), other than the Gary Jules " Mad World " video - which is perfect and beautiful. What a great cover. I love films like Donnie Darko, films that are puzzling and pose difficult questions, but offer no simple answers.

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Hey Groove,

You may want to add The 7th Voyage of Sinbad ( 1958 ), The Golden Voyage Of Sinbad ( 1973 ), Jason and The Argonauts ( 1963 ), or any other Ray Harryhousen produced movie onto the list. Note: Harryhousen is the king of stop-animation, and the 7th Voyage of Sinbad heavily influenced Star Wars - Episode IV.

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Now I'm feeling pretty dumb to say that I just did not get that movie at all. However, I would say that there were some aspects which were pretty damn cool.

I especially like the part where he's riding on his bike and they kick into "Killing Moon". What a great song, and so well suited for the movie.

Oh yeah - and I totally agree about the website. Fantastic!

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