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Where Can I Get A Nametag???


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I made my own. I took the Phish Sanctuary logo (the yellow triangle) as a .gif and my avatar as a .gif and fired up PowerPoint. I shrunk the logo to about 2" x 2" (i.e., about the height of a nametag), shrunk the avatar to about 1" x 1", placed them side-by-side (logo on the left, avatar top-right), and put my user name in a text box (boldface) below it. Print on a colour printer, slip into an old conference nametag holder, and voila! Instant nametag.

Between that, and the Mark I and Mark II 'tags at the Dekcuf show, I was tagged beyond belief...



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Originally posted by bradm:

I made my own. I took the Phish Sanctuary logo (the yellow triangle) as a .gif and my avatar as a .gif and fired up PowerPoint. I shrunk the logo to about 2" x 2" (i.e., about the height of a nametag), shrunk the avatar to about 1" x 1", placed them side-by-side (logo on the left, avatar top-right), and put my user name in a text box (boldface) below it. Print on a colour printer, slip into an old conference nametag holder, and voila! Instant nametag.

Between that, and the Mark I and Mark II 'tags at the Dekcuf show, I was tagged beyond belief...



Hmmm... What if I do the same thing and people think you're me and vice versa? Especially when we are all out of our heads, things could get very crazy!

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Originally posted by CyberHippie:

Hmmm... What if I do the same thing and people think you're me and vice versa? Especially when we are all out of our heads, things could get very crazy!

I don't know, but it'd be fun to try. If you're going to the Dr. Hux / DOY show this weekend, bring it along. I'll (try to remember to) bring both of mine, and we'll see what happens.



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Originally posted by CyberHippie:

Hmmm... What if I do the same thing and people think you're me and vice versa? Especially when we are all out of our heads, things could get very crazy!

Hey Trev - what's up? If you're doing one up for yourself, any chance of cranking one out for ol' MarcO?....

In any event, I'll see you there, I hope!

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