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WSP 7/7/02


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Hey friends...

The following peeps names will be at will call for WSP this Sunday.

Ace, Schwativa, Heather, backbacon, Cargo, Kuipers and meggo.

Any questions call my cell or at work.

809-1629 cell

354-2200 work

Hey Schwativa...what's the ride situation???

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Chewie. Not too sure of the ride situation as of yet. I'd love to stick to the trend of you get the tix and i'll get you there, but unfortunatly i have a POS truck now that won't get me beyond the city limits. If you are willing to drive your car down there though, I WILL get us home as usual.

Some food for thought anyway. BTW Heather will not be making the trip anymore, Phil and the Brothers wore her out something aweful. She still has some tolerance to build up. just jokin. anyhow, the list of folks making the trip looks like the same old kik ass group of hardcore Chathamites. Should be a classic good time. The field just beyond the lot should be a good meeting place in case we don't travel together.

Gettin a little long winded here. Talk at ya later bro,


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damn ace.

we sent offthe guest list for wsp already and jen's name aint on it. neither is kc's.

so if they still wanna go they'll have to either scam one from somebody else who's going.

there are others on that list too.

it probably won't be a big problem though...or maybe jen can borrow heather's id??

engrish-yeah we can take my ride...but i'd better not drive home [big Grin]

btw...just listening to the wsp bonnaroo show and it smokes...Low Spark w/ Winwood is killer!!!!

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Hey new twist.

Just talked to ACE and he told me basically what his post says, so i called KC and left a message. He should be getting back to me via e-mail pretty soon and we can finalize the deal. I AM SO PSYCHED FOR THIS SHOW!!!!

Haven't seen the Panic since this time last year and am super psyched. (did i say that already?)

"Schools out for summer!!" -

Remember the tabs of fun that dude gave us last year? 10 for 30, What a show!!

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howdy.. first of all, i can totally drive my car up, it'll fit 3 others comfortably. there might already be some spaces filled, but we'll see. also - chewie, sarah says that each name on the list includes a guest, so does that mean that everybody on the list (she told me most of the folks) also has a buddy to drag along? i am trying to get a hold of rob rankin b/c his names' on there and i'm sure he'd like to come. anyway, i'm SO fired up for that. my last big show for some time!

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enjoy the show. I haven't seen panic since last fall in new orleans, and I'm still hoping to see them there again this year. Houser missed the Iowa show on Wednesday night. I've heard (1) that he was resting up and will be playing in KC tonite (2) that he had flown home. no official news. but George McConnel and Randall Bramblett played the entire show. Reality is setting in that I may never get to see Mikey play again. Beams to him and his family>>>>>>>

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Chewie, to answer your question, i can probably get some of the same zoomers we had for the phil show. Were they good or what!! I think we should all meet at the Swift's and go from there. Its on the right side of town for everyone and easy and quick to leave town from there as well. I am all about getting there early for some vittles and chillin and scoop game in the field before the show. Lets make a day of it!

Hey ACE, ask your "old lady" if she wants to cook up some food for us before the show. I know how much she loves to cook for everyone. We can work this shit out later.

Oh ya, it is collins' stag and doe on Saturday in case any of the Chatham Peeps are interested. It is at that old schoolhouse (the old western wing, 9am classes, 1915) on Bloomfield Rd heading out of town toward the 401. I think you all know the place.

(just a little Alexander II there for ya's)

Anyhow i think 12 is a good time to depart-y. What do ya'll think?

Talk to you soon, i have to go put in my 2nd 8 hour stint at work today.

PS- Good to hear that you got the nod there ACE!!

Oh ya ACE, i came across this one day and thought that if you begged real hard, bouche would let you use this as your avatar.

What do you think there bouche?


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hi. can I come too? [smile]

Has anyone got a hold of rankin? Kuipers isn't going. Carrgo doesn't know. He is supposed to work.

Can I have some boomidy booms too? [smile] I know this one Detroit cat I met at Phil who can hook us up with things if we need too!

I think we should leave even earlier than that. About 9 would be better. Even earlier. Let's do this right!!

Karin lives 2 miles away. She said we can party there before. The show starts at 5.30 I do believe. If we leave at noon that only leaves a short few hours to prepare over there.

Does anyone plan on staying over?

Anyone want to party t'morrow night? (Sat)

btw, I got my visor all done up with 'WSP' markered on the front! "Who's got my pharmies?" hehe.

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hey, keri give me or lieney a call tomorrow if you want to do something with us - also if you (or anybody) wants to come out to the beach here tomorrow aft that's where i'll be.

i haven't gotten a hold of ranki n yet, i've called like 3 times and left a message and he hasn't phoned back. can you think of anyone else who'd want to go? lien might come too. she needs a break.

later taters

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