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drugs and jam bands?

mikey d

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Looks like weezy snuck a post in while I was typing mine....

It's fine if you don't think I have a valid opinion on this subject, but the real question was what's your opinion about watching live music and drugs... my opinion is that I don't need the drugs. That's all. That's probably all I should have said and just left it at that. I wasn't posting about using drugs, I was posting about being able to enjoy the music on a level that is totally enough for me without drugs.

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Being high is fun.....

Being sober is fun....

It's all a mater of perspective.

When I first went on Phish tour in 96 I bumped into a group of kids on tour who had a booth (some of you may have seen it) something along the lines of Phish Phreeks who party Sober. I hung out with them at a show and had a GREAT experience (I mean euphoric). I've also been really high at shows and had equaly as memerable experiences. It all depends on your situation and your energy.


P.S. wasn't phil great (I was high)

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right on - good debate.

weezy springer's final thought:

Music and drugs can be like ice-cream with chocolate sauce, sprinkles, crushed nuts, jelly beans, bananas and cherries on top. Or like ice cream with olives, cod liver oil and sheep-brains. It's all up to the individual user.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if they have absolutely no experience with the subject. It will be taken at face value.

I know I'm a bastard, maddak... you rock.

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People have been doing drugs since the beginning of time for a myriad reasons from spiritual to recreational

people have also been practicing spiritual and recreational pasttimes without drugs since the beginning of time. Its the fools who fly off the handle with sweeping generalizations that often mess up the pursuit of drug-free/drug-induced happiness


I personally don't trust anyone who hasn't at least tried pot or shrooms/acid or something...


Drugs is drugs and music is music...they can be mutually exclusive or mutually entwined - I fall somewhere in the middle and give a big thumbs up to anyone on either end of the spectrum

having said all of this, i'm done

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Its the fools who fly off the handle with sweeping generalizations that often mess up the pursuit of drug-free/drug-induced happiness

huh? that makes no sense.

Anyhoo, I am quite aware that people have been doing all kinds of things since the beginning of time without drugs, but we happen to ba talking about drugs here, see?

That 'don't trust anyone who hasn't...' comment was meant to be mostly tongue in cheek - I was saying that anyone who has the need to limit themselves by refusing to ever take a tiny hit offa joint, for instance, probably has very little in common with myself, therefore, I don't trust em'...

I really don't think I'm flying off the handle here - this is healthy debate and I have chosen the less popular stance, obviously. Somebody's got to defend drugs - there's been a war against em' for a long time now.


Drugs is drugs and music is music...they can be mutually exclusive or mutually entwined - I fall somewhere in the middle and give a big thumbs up to anyone on either end of the spectrum

C'mon man, if you're gonna jump in calling me a fool then take a stance one way or the other instead of making "sweeping generalizations"

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okay...here's my perspectives. i love life. i almost always have and i certainly almost always will. i admit i do take drugs. i'll try anything that I don't have to inject. i don't like to do things all the time and there are times where I don't think it's wise to be high...like when you're flying a plane or trying to get things done(i get distracted...what was i saying??)

oh yeah! i'm sure you all understand by my posts that i enjoy drugs...i also enjoy alcohol but anyone at CT fest on my 24 knows that raspberry vodka is a very interesting thing to give me. i think it's unfortunate that i have to relive my experiences through the stories of others...so for me, alcohol is not something to do in excess. at least i'm everyone's friend when i'm drunk.

the first time giggles And I had a band i got really really really high before the show...for some 'inspration' and i found it eventually, but before the show i turned to giggles and said 'dude i've got a problem: i don't remember how to play bass'

serious. totally forgot what the hell i was doing in the youth arena in smiths falls ontario. needless to say, the night went well and i remembered how to play and we rocked that joint(and the several before the show) but it was pretty sobering.

i really enjoy taking substances at and before shows but i like my experiences with and without. i'm easygoing about it all. the show to me is like the ice cream with the drugs being the sprinkles and syrup, but when it gets to the point where you're not even eating the ice cream you've gotta ask yourself: why do I have the sweet tooth?

sometimes there's a point where you've just gotta take a break and eat healthy.

and yes, weezy - maddak DOES rock. you should hear her play her sax. sweetness!

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An honest question I had while reading responses… do drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, alcohol or others of such recreational useage reach their altered consciousness by rearranging the chemical processes of the brain, or by adding to them a substance which is the sole reason the high is achieved? I’m actually guessing it’s probably a mix of the two, but if the altering agent is what’s necessary to create the modified brain, it logically explains the varying amounts of drug necessary for different people to achieve the same effect a number of people here desire when going to a show: to be “into” the music, as opposed to listening to it as if you were home and it were a CD. (And I’ll be making a contribution to the Massacred Grammar Fund once this post is over. Sorry. [Embarrassed] )

The main point I gleam from drug users is that the effects adds, not just enhances, to the experience; Weezy’s ice cream (straight) with toppings (drugs) seems as apt an analogy as can be, and resumes well other opinions I’ve heard through my life. It would certainly make sense, both physiologically, subjectively and psychologically.

…so why do I feel like I have a ton of toppings drifting through my music anyways?.. Though they may be less sharply defined… The important point: They’re fine with me. Charlie said it well: it’s all about the pursuit of happiness. How we reach it is personal (due to convictions, biology, metabolism), but I think we actually respect each’s way to it. At concerts, I definitely get that feeling.

(I think I would be scary on mind-further-altering substances; I’m one of those people you would not want to see on caffeine, unless you were two klicks away behind lead glass… arcane and bradm can definitely confirm this.)

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Its the fools who fly off the handle with sweeping generalizations that often mess up the pursuit of drug-free/drug-induced happiness

translation : when people crap all over your comments, whether you're sober or high, its no fun. .. fly off the handle may be a little strong, but it emphasizes my point

A healthy debate does not generally include the words you DO NOT have any worthwhile opinion on the subject

I'm really thinking that the Sanctuary is not really a place where drugs need to be defended... its almost like preaching to the converted...


then take a stance one way or the other

just because it doesn't satisfy your urge for a narrowed view, doesn't mean it ain't a "stance" - you do what you do, i'll do what i do, end o' story


just my thoughts...

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Whose got my Pharmies?!!

I LOVE drugs. They are fun for sitting around and listening to music or playing foosball or anything. Weed makes everything better no matter what it is.

As far as the crazy chemies are concerned, i usually save them for the concert experience.

My two cents.

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drugs and music eh???

hmmm....here's my take:

You don't need drugs to listen and enjoy music IMO.

However, I am into the CONCERT EXPERIENCE...which essentially all comes down to peronal kicks. When i go to a show, i like to get a bit cranked up and have "adventures"...that's all part of the appeal to me. It doesn't mean i need to be high...i want to be. It's like adding a killer light show to your concert...or a better sound system...or a guest guitar player...it's all just adding to your experience...adding some flavour. [Wink]

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Originally posted by dancingfool:

(I think I would be scary on mind-further-altering substances; I’m one of those people you would not want to see on caffeine, unless you were two klicks away behind lead glass… arcane and bradm can definitely confirm this.)

The thought of DF on anything stronger than 7-Up is frightening.

I used to hang with a guy that was high on life, kinda like DF. Normally he was a pretty lively character, but booze turned him into Introspective Comatose Man. He'd just sit, staring at a point on the wall.

I think DF can relate to this [smile]

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