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Help needed > Performer Costs

Phunky Cauldron

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Important to remember that everything can be negotiated. For instance acts like David Byrne could play for between $10 and $100 Grand. If he's personally interested in the show/festival it's the low end, if it's Glastonbury the high end. Same goes for European acts like (bad example I know) The Corrs $10- $200 Grand. In general you always pay through the nose for anything corporate. All big Canadian artists do corporate work, for many it's their bread and butter, but they don't like to talk about it. Colin James, Barenaked Ladies, The Hip... RIM (Research In Motion) always does big recruiting shows to snag top grads from Ontario tech schools and book these kind of acts and pay through the nose. As soon as the agent gets a whiff that it's not about a breakeven at the door situation they're going to highball it hard. Keeping in mind that they make a percentage on whatever they bring in it's in their best interest to tax the hell out of it.

To answer your question though those lists are often unreliable, as you mentioned dated and not all that useful. Better to make contact with the agent and breast your cards a bit and try and get a straight ballpark.

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Your best bet would be to call either S.L. Feldman www.slfa.com or the Agency Group www.theagency.com

They are the two largest talent booking companies in Canada.

From my experience $3000 should get you a pretty solid Canadian act. However, beware the agent will try to nickel and dime you to get as much money as possible. Do not let them know the total size of your budget.

However, $3000 would be a Sarah Slean, Sarah Harmer, Big Sugar, that stature of an artist.

Bigger talent can quickly add up in price. I was at a corporate party where Burton Cummings played, and it was rumoured that he cost $50,000.

A good approach is going to the band directly, sell them on the show, i.e. promotion, exposure etc, and them call the booker. The band has the ultimate power, if they really want to play the show, the booking agent has a little less leverage to take all of your money.

And remember, everything is negotiable.... rider (get rid of the red M&M demands), % of door etc. You can always ask for a % of merch sales, so use that for leverage. i.e. we'll let you sell your merch, so drop this and that.

Usually you'll need to front 50% of the cost at the time of contract signing.

Good luck, and let me know how it goes for you.

btw that reminds me, bouche, did I mention that Circulate has mineral water from an exclussive Russian spring on their rider??? [Wink]

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I know a while back there was a list posted here w/ the cost of booking big acts but it was mentioned that it was a dated list.

I work at an advertising agency and I am working on a pitch for a new client. We will have a budget of close to $1 million to throw a kick-off party for the client and their target if we get the business. One idea we are brainstorming is getting a top musical act at this event.

Does anyone know where I can find an updated list of performer costs? I'm trying to get an idea of who would be available and estimated costing for the event.

Thanks - it would be much appreciated.

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