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Question of the Day 10/18/02


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With my favorite holiday approaching, I want to know three things:

a) What was your very first nightmare?

B) What was your scariest nightmare?

c) How do you sooth yourself back to sleep after a nightmare?

The first nightmare I remember having was that my Mommy died and wasn't around to take care of me. I remember becoming quite clingy to her after having that nightmare.

The scariest nightmare was one that reoccured several times a week for about a year. When I was younger I used to get really freaked out by TV transformations like watching someone turn into a warewolf and the Hulk getting angry. My reoccuring dream was that I would be talking to this man on a street and he would get angry, transform and start chasing me. I would ran as hard as I could but would keep tripping. I can't recall him ever catching me, but just the inability to run properly scared the hell out of me.

My first course of action with any nightmare was to run into my parents room and snuggle in between them. My mom always told me to sing a fun song over and over again until I fell back to sleep. When I was younger my happy song was the Strawberry Shortcake theme song, now that I can't run to my parents anymore I had to upgrade the song and bring out the heavy-feel-good-artillery. I now sing Eyes of the World.

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The first nightmare I ever remember having was a big scary Tiger chasing me down the street.

The scariest nightmare that I have ever had is on that I occasionally still have. I used to get it all the time, now I only get it once every couple of years maybe... It starts that I am having fun beside a pool or at a cottage or something. I start feeling warm, so I dive into the water. I them swim upwards towards the surface, but I guess I dove in just a little deeper than I thought because there is no surface yet. So I keep swimming up and up, but still there is no surface. At this point I start to paninc... I swim faster and faster up and up. Still no surface. I am still holding my breath, and am starting to feel my lungs hurt. So I swim up and up faster and faster, pushing the water out of my way while desperately trying to find air. Still no surface. Right when I think that I am done, and should just inhale the water, I break through. Or sometimes I just wake up and pant, trying to catch my breath. I hate that dream.

My defence to most dreams is logic. When I wake up from a dream where something horrible happened, I tell myself it was just a dream. In really rough cases I might wake up my wife and ask her to tell me it was just a dream. In one case I woke up my wife by shouting because whatever was happening in my dream was so scary. Before she even knew exactly what was happening, and before I was even fully awake, she said "It's okay it's only a dream", and that made me feel better.


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Guest Low Roller

My first nightmare was really disturbing... I rarely remember dreams of any sort, but this one was so intense that I remember every single detail to this day. I must've been three or four at the time.

The setting was my room, but all the lights were off; only a faint glow to reveal the scene. I was playing a game of checkers with my grandmother on the floor. Suddenly the closet door opens and standing there was a dark silhouette of some man. I am unable to see who it is because it is so dark. My grandmother doesn't notice him and makes her next move on the checkers board. I'm staring at the newcomer with a rising sense of fear and anxiety. And then Slowly the stranger unsheathes a glowing red LIGHTSABER. Darth Fucking Vader is standing in my closet, with his unmistakable breathing, glowing in the red light of his lightsaber. He takes one step out of the closet and raises his blade to strike me... and that's when I wake up screaming and run to take shelter in my parents bed.

I wish I was given the advice of singing my favorite happy song like you Ms.H, but instead I got the "Just don't move too much when you sleep" from my Dad. Charming huh?

That was my first nightmare. My scariest nightmare is so fucked up that I need to think about whether I should write it down or not.

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I don't remember my first nightmare but I sure remember a re-occurring one I had as a child. Seems really bizarre (and harmless) now but it terrified me then. I would enter an elevator and there sat an elderly women at a card table lined with red velvet, she wore a visor, much like a poker dealer. There was a lace table lamp on the table in front of her. The same thing happened everytime I had the dream. There was a button on the table which she asked me to remove. I couldn't move it. Couldn't budge it. Somehow it was related to me exiting the elevator. It wasn't happenning!! As a child I was terrified. I must have had this dream a million times. My mom's advice was to think of a comforting movie to put me to sleep. I always thought of Wizard of OZ!!! Comforting??? I think perhaps therapy is in order!!!!! [Razz]

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My first nightmare was being left on the side of the road during a family trip because I couldn't stop fighting with my sibblings. Just left there...in the middle of nowhere. I had that dream alot as a kid.

The worst nightmare I ever had....it's so hard to pick only one. I have alot of bad ones! Here's one...I'm walking down the street alone in the middle of the night....there's lots of crazy circus clowns with huge teeth and blood all over they're faces. There's little ones ridding on huge bicycles. (This is all very strange to me since I've never had a fear of clowns.) So I escape into a backyard where they eventually track me down...and they're screeching! I jump into the swimming pool and all of a sudden, there are dead bodies popping up all around me...eye's gauged out...some of them still talking...So I jump out of the pool and hop up onto a pair of stilts. Then a little goblin guy (about 2 feet tall, but has a head the size of a beach ball and teeth to match) starts eating away at my stilts! Down I go...each chomp brings me a few inches closer to his jaws. Just as he's about to bite my legs, I wake up....with the worst pains in my legs. Wierd.

How did I get back to sleep?, you ask. I waited about 3 days.

I've recently learned how to wake myself up from nightmares...most of which involve little goblins and such. I've been doing this for about a year now, but last week I was having a nightmare, and I couldn't get out of it. I kept trying and trying, but it just wouldn't happen. That really sucked.

Nightmares suck.

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I had this one last night:

So, we score this UNBELIEVABLE hotel 100 yards away from the entrance to a Phish show on Summer Tour. Front row seats, and backstage passes. Patio door opens up on the lot, which is raging. Sitting around, sippin on gin and juice, smoking reefers and playing guitar, all the while, getting more and more pumped.

Just then, a knock comes at the door. "Holy shnikey's, I bet its the cops!"

It isnt, phew.

Instead, Second Tube is standing there, puppy on a leash and board under his arm.

"Hey, can you Skanks miracle me, get me wasted and let me crash here after the show? I need some food too."

(seriously though, all in all good fun ST. I hope I didnt offend you [Wink] . It wasnt my intention. If I did, I owe you one and I apologize too.)

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Interesting Thread, I actually have nightmares pretty frequently.

My first nightmare, doesn't seem so scarey to look back on it, but at the time when I was a little kid it was horribly frightening. I don't remember the details all that well, but the premis was that I was trapped/lost in Count Chocula's and Frankenberry's big dark castle, all on my own... Sounds kinda halarious now...

I would say the most frightening nightmare I can remember would be a reocurring one I used to have fairly frequently when I was a kid. The scene would usually be a long the lines of me playing outfront of my house or on my street. A strange van would drive up, and a stranger would get out. At this point I'd get really scared and want to head inside. I would either be frozen and not be able to move at all, or very very slow motion. I'd try to scream, but nothing would come out but a wisper. Eventually the stranger would approach me, and stick me with some kind of a needle. That's when I'd wake up.

Usually when I wake up after a nightmare, I lie still till my heartbeat returns to normal, for a few minutes, then fall back to sleep.

Incidently, dream studies have shown that high nightmare frequency is correlated to creativity!

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