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Im going home Donny

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Any one else share their homes with these creatures that move as fast as the ghost buster dogs?

We used to see mabey one or two...here and there....now they are plentifull....I've now had 2 crawling on me......I'm going to live in a bubble soon...

any non-pesticide suggestions?....arrrg....heebee jeebees galore!

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Guest Low Roller

A little bit of honey in a container placed in key areas of the house is a quick solution. They'll fall in to get the sweet, sweet nectar, but then they can't can't get out.

Put this stuff near vents, bathroom, and any other areas where you may see them.

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Guest Low Roller

Just make sure to clean it out every now and then... when the corpses pile up, it becomes easier for them to get out, therefore succesfully stealing your honey.

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Are you talking about those humidity bugs? The ones with the long furry legs that move faster than the speed of sound straight at you?

cuz those are what we have - they tend to show up when it's damp - oi, they're gross - kill half and the other half keeps running!

i'll try that honey stuff too! (less smelly than beer) mine are coming up from the basement... [Mad]

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Ah-hA~! Un-lovingly refer to those little beasts as SPEEDERS.. also, when they are in abundance, you can use the term- Queed.


Queed could also be the name of the giant centipede queen that lives under your matress.

Yeah, I've had a couple near fainting sessions with those fucking things coming at me. I've seen them get as big as a fake lobster.. minus some of the girth.

at least they don't bite. drown them in honey.

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...after a little research...the queeds are 'Household Centipedes' and yup H.. they seem to be an indicater of an underlying moisture problem...the buggers can live up to 6 years!.....(feet moving up on chair)...so I guess ya want to get rid of dark,damp hiding places...oh yeah that should be snap... [Eek!]

The article said that they can bite but the North Americans rarely have strong enough jaws to puncture human skin...I guess the 6 year old has a better chance.....eeeee

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they bite?!! [Eek!] oh man - 6 years? i'm not surprised actually - sometimes those f'ers get huge !

oh ya, they live in my bedrock basement that weeps whenever it rains -> i shouldnt have a problem getting rid of that... [Roll Eyes] i'm doomed i think.

what i do think is funny is trying to describe them to people who have never seen them, they look at you like your nutz - but the immediate recognition from someone who has seen them is priceless. [smile]

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I lived in a filthy basement on o'connor street (with stone wall) a few years back and they were fucking EVERYWHERE. SICK SICK SICK SICK SICK. Until last week I had never had one in montreal. And now I've killed two this week. C'mon WINTER! Freeze those bastards out.

on a related note, i've been informed that Australia has a nasty cockroach problem. Fortunately they bother much less.

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