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So how was Nero in Montreal?


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Baically I am at a loss for words...that`s all I could come up with...This was my first taste with Chris on bass, I was completely blown away! What a character!!! I ain`t the best for reviews....I think they played tighter than I have ever heard them...

Here`s what I looked like... [Eek!]

and this is what I looked like after foosball [Mad]

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ok what ween tune did you guys do? I better hear it when your in Guelph!

did I ever tell you guys what a huge Deaner and Gene fan I am!

and Chris have you learned Peaches yet?

I can't wait to see you guys in Guelph - by the way- fully wellcome to crash so far we have two comfy pull outs so theres more than enough bed space- we also have another extra bed coming shortly- so more and more space!


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Nero rocked the town last night. it was a pretty crazy weekend here in montreal with the Slip show (ultra packed, smokey, and jammin') on Saturday, and Ottawa's finest back at Le Swimming on Sunday. Not a huge crowd, but definately an enthusiastic one, with about a 10-1 dancing-to-sitting ratio by the time a smokin' Condor closed the show.

The Ween tune they're doing is A Tear for Eddie (Choc. and Cheese) and Dave seems to have the mutilated ween guitar tone down pretty damn nice for it too.

I got into work a mere 5 hours later than usual today, so I guess I didn't party as hard as some of the other "sloths" who were up for the weekend (without naming any names [Wink] ). All in all, it was a great time, and great seeing everyone (and meeting some for the first time, too!) .

Hope the nero boys have a successful trip out East!


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Just got back, feel like death but what a blast. Alot of partying was packed into two nights.

To tired to type much but lots of memorable bits. Alot of old songs have new parts added ( a great bass solo tossed into LemonDust springs to mind). The new song (Darius sp?) is great - loved the outro jam. Felt the band was really attacking in unison.

Huge thx Blane for giving us a place to crash (both nights), letting us party like mad and putting up with the craziness.

Davey-Boy thx for driving (again).

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Here's the setlist, from Velvet himself:

Nero / 2002.11.24 / Le Swimming, Montreal, PQ

Set I:

Holetown Charlie ->



Miko Mard


Set II:

Effervescence ->

A Tear For Eddie[1]

401 Theme ->

Centragnome ->

401 Theme

Chocolate Monkey Machine[2]

El Vezz



[1] Ween cover

[2] With "Thriller" tease

There may be one song missing from the Set I list. There were at least 3 people (including me; my first time taping Nero!) taping. I haven't listened to the tapes yet (I went with stereo mics on that column in front of the stage), but I know there's at least something on them. I had a battery flip problem (in a slapstick kind of way) shortly into Set I, so my tape will have a gap (during, I think Zedonk).

This show was crazy. I've seen, I guess, three transformations in Nero: after the first tour out West, the change to PEI Punk on bass, and after the Punk's first tour, and this, I think, was the most profound of them. Eastern Folks, prepare yourself; it's gonna be heavy.

It was also nice to see some local media coverage: there was a guy from one of the McGill student papers ("The Union"?) taking notes (I thought he was a setlist junkie :-) and asking questions (he flagged me down as I was packing up and heading out, so I may be quoted). If anybody in Montreal reads an article on the show, post a link to it or quote from it on the Sanctuary, please.

I'm with TheSloth: special thanks to Blane for warmup space on Saturday, and to Davey Boy for the ride. Also thanks to Canuck Duck for the lift to Montreal.



P.S. show-whore, I think I've got your hat.

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Montreal madness..... thought we mighta been able to go looting after that famous allouette victory, but it was not to be.

Nero rocked, they're sounding great and possibly ready to take on american crowds.

Big thanks to Blane for the couch, hospitality. Thanks to Gentlemonkey for buying 2 dozen bagfels and cream cheese at 5AM- what a treat.

thanks to the mtl cabbies for various adventures and to Stapes for lookin so good.

whoops this is DB, by the way....

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That's really fucked they're playin Eddie. We were listening to that at my place when they were here last, how it's like a dirge for a buddy who died, I'm not sure if on that particular occasion if I was insulting them into playing it. I was actually going to write a story recently wherein they played if only to try and force them to cover it (and not covers shared with Phish).

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Guest Low Roller

So... anybody go to the show?

How was it? How was the crowd?

I saw the Slip on Saturday, but the highlight was seeing the Swimming marquee emphasizing the Nero show with an exclamation point:

"Dimanche/Sunday... NERO!"

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got an 800 wordish article coming up in next tuesdays mcgill tribune. im doing a phone interview with the guys sometime tomorrow, but ill link to the article when its published next week. i was actually working on some of it during the show.

it was actually my first nero show and id been wanting to hear them for a while ever since ive been trying to get into the canjam circuit. my ex-roommate saw them when they were here over the summer, said they were really good and he's no music buff at all. that said, they blew me away and i was glad the trib not only told me to do the story, but is basically making it an A&E feature story (bout 1/2 pg). i wasnt actually setlisting (never heard the songs before), but thanks for posting it so i can use it in my article.

on a side note, id like to again plug for the band i rep for back in connecticut. they're called RANE (not to be confused with rana). if some hard work and luck can have it my way, i'd like to see these guys touring stateside with rane and have rane tour with nero up north here as well. the sound is extremely similar, only with some extra percussion and another guitarist, and lyrics.

to visit rane's website, go to thesoundofrane.com. for an official live bootleg, visit www.projectflood.com

til next time, keep the groove alive.


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