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props to the sanctuary message boarders


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Now that i've entered the world of office work and sitting at a desk for 6-8 hours per day, I've gotten into a habit of reading a number of message boards to kill time when things are slow.

I've noticed that the level of literacy/maturity/level-headedness on our board here far exceeds that of pretty much all the other boards I read. Sure we have some pretty hilarious "debates", generally incited by a comment made by Kung, but by and large we keep the IQ levels reasonably high.

Anyhow, just thought I'd say thanks for making this place a decent read while killing a Monday at the office!

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Guest Low Roller

This message board even has a link to dictionary.com where I can look up words like "irrefragable", and use them in a sentence like so:

I have irrefragable evidence that I'm bored at work right now.

Feel that? That's your IQ jumping up a covalence level.

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