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Phish announce new pricing policy for tickets


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"Rock Band Phish to Announce 'Tiered Ticket Pricing System'

Does the setlist really matter? Phish and their fans apparently think so.

By Ayla Jean Yackley

BURLINGTON (rolling stone) - Throughout its 20 year history, Vermont Rock

band Phish has never been known to simply 'go with the phlow'. The bands'

continued success is attributed to going against traditional mainstream

marketing and PR norms that currently dominate the entertainment industry.

From spreading their music through free live recordings in the 80's and

90's, to being one of the Internet pioneers in connecting their fan-based

community, Phish has succeeded by taking chances that pay off.æ Even last

year, the band began selling MP3 recordings of their shows from their

website just 48 hours after the show. The success of this new music

distribution effort is catching the eyes of music moguls who are looking for

new ways to capitalize on the new technology medium.

Once again, Phish will be announcing an unusual and rather shocking new

method for selling concert tickets.æ Next week, Phish manager John Paluska

is expected to announce a new 'tiered ticket pricing system' for their

devoted rock fans, who often attend several shows on a given tour. Unlike

most bands who offer tiered ticket pricing for better seats, Phish will

offer tiered ticket pricing for 'better songs' perceived by their audience.

This sounds like an outrageous plan, but not to Phish band members. "Our

fans are extremely devoted to seeing our music live, and often pay hundreds

of dollars to travel to see our music in several different states on a given

tour," explains Phish bassist Mike Gordon. "I often read about people who

feel they got 'ripped off' when traveling great distances to see a show,

only to have us play songs which they don't want to hear." That may not make

any sense to the average Joe. Why would fans travel such great distances

when they don't like many of the songs the band plays?

Well, that's because Phish happens to have the most extensive repertoire of

any modern rock band performing today. Long-time Phish fan Tyler Mulrooney

has seen 86 shows in his 13 year parade around the US and Europe. "This is

the best idea I've ever heard! I can't tell you how many times I've gone to

shows and have been shocked by the song selection - making it a mediocre

show experience. Then the next night they bust out with tunes that haven't

been played in 10 years! Or a song that's only been played a few times in a

long while. Rare tunes are what keep me coming back for more." According to

Phish sources, the band has played 654 different songs over 1157 shows, and

261 songs have been played only once. That sense of not knowing what the

band might play makes for an eager audience waiting to hear something rare

and unique and maybe something performed only once. However, this fan

mentality contradicts the intent and desires of the band as they embark on

their third decade of making music.

After coming back from a two-year hiatus, the band played two tours in 2003,

plus a four show stint following thanksgiving, and a NYE run in miami. I

took a look at the setlists from the tours and found many duplicate songs

performed many times on both tours. Several songs, like 'Walls of the Cave'

and 'Seven Below,' were performed many times because they are new tunes on

the most recent album. Other songs, like 'You Enjoy Myself' and 'Harry

Hood,' are the oldest songs in the Phish catalog and Phish staples, and were

played extensively this year to reacquaint the audience with the classics.

Palusksa said this move to price shows per-song was triggered by the

popularity of the 'Live Phish' download service. "We took a look at the

shows which people downloaded most from the most recent summer tour, and we

saw that 2 shows in particular had songs played which the band rarely

performs. The Utah and Pittsburgh shows were fan favorites, and we think

it's because of the types of songs played there." Fan Tyler Mulrooney

couldn't agree more. "This is exactly what I'm talking about! I spent a load

of money traveling to Alpine Valley to see the boys, and they played great -

but standard shows when it comes to setlist. Then I hear about the

Pittsburgh show and the Utah show, and I make sure I hit both nights at

Camden. And they play the same stuff! I got another Seven Below, You Enjoy

Myself, Twist, Bug and Piper. It gets a little frustrating, especially when

I see the reviews for those other shows." Phish guitarist Trey Anastasio

thinks this new ticket pricing system will keep everyone happy. "Over the

years leading up to the hiatus I think we, as a band, felt this overwhelming

need to satisfy every urge of our audience and live up to their

expectations. I mean, at the end of the day our fans are what matter most to

us, but we need to grow and evolve and continue to be creative as a band. So

to us, that means playing the same songs more often these days, and playing

the new songs a lot too - to keep the band fresh and sounding new and

different. I remember hearing boos after the encore of our Camden show last

tour, when we encored with a new song called 'Secret Smile.' Some people

think the song's crap, and they want something rocking for a closer. Well,

we realized that in order to keep this thing together, we have to play what

we want to play. So we wanted to play that song, and many people didn't like

it. Personally," Trey snickers, "I don't really care if people boo anymore,

not like they ever really booed in the past. But this new idea we came up

with really works for everyone. So we'll let the fans know which kind of

show they'll hear. We know what songs they go crazy over and what songs they

don't care too much about, so we'll let them know what kind of show they

should expect. I think that's a happy medium, where the fans know which

shows to travel to and we get to play what we want and everyone's happy."

Paluska intends to provide more details into the new ïtiered ticket pricing

system. He believes the pricing model, to be implemented for summer tour

2004, will be labeled P, S, and H. Below is a sampling of setlists the fans

should expect to hear for each category. The band has reportedly categorized

their song-base into these categories, but will not release those details.

So even though Phish won't tell you what exactly they will play, they

believe their fans will have a pretty good idea of what to expect:

Sample Phish Show 'P': Ticket Price: $29.95 Set I:æ Bouncin around the Room,

Sample in a Jar, Two Versions of Me, Discern, Secret Smile, Wading in the

Velvet Sea, Brian and Robert, Billy Breathes, Sparkle, Chalkdust Torture Set

II: Twist, Walls of the Cave, Heavy Things, Bug, Waste, Piper, David Bowie,

Character Zero Encore - Friday, Farmhouse

Sample Phish Show 'S' Ticket Price: $37.95 Set I: The Moma Dance, Free,

Tweezer, Julius, Punch You in the Eye, NICU, Bathtub Gin, Boogie on Reggae

Woman Set 2: Mikes Song->Hydrogen->Weekapaug Groove, 2001, Rock and Roll,

Possum, Loving Cup Encore: Pebbles and Marbles

Sample Phish Show 'H' Ticket Price: $69.95 Set 1: The Wedge, Magilla, Guelah

Papyrus, Peaches En Regalia, Brother, Once in a Lifetime, Glide, The

Horse->Silent in the Morning Set 2: Buffalo Bill, Fluffhead, Col. Forbins

Ascent->Mockingbird, Harpua, Alumni Blues, Layla, Simple Encore: The Curtain

With, Bike, Sanity

The above sample setlists provided by Phish mean absolutely nothing to me,

but apparently mean everything to Phish fans. Explains Mulrooney, "this is

the best idea I've ever heard! No more disappointing shows! What you see is

what you get. Now I will know what shows are worth traveling to and what

shows are a waste of time. I probably will still see a 'P' show if it's near

my house, just to see the boys in action. But this will save fans all over

the country a lot of time and money, and people will finally stop being so

critical about what the band is playing. As usual from Phish, pure genius."

As with all the Phish gambles over the years, I guess we'll have to wait and


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Dr.Huxtable has been doing this for months. This is nothing new.

BTW, April 24th Dr.Huxtable is playing Irene's again and the pricing model is now available.

$2 sample set: *

Crowd / tuning


Tonto's Underwater Paradise >

Centragnome >

Run Like Hell >



* tribute to nero reproducing 11-28-03 in it's entirety.

$4 sample set: **

Second that emotion

NFO > MAggie's > NFO

Shadow blind

Airbourne > Switzerland

** set feature an extremely loaded Dr.Hux

$7 sample set: ***

Looks like Rain

Minglewood > Other one > Dark Star > Bird song > NFO > Other One > Theme from Mash

*** entire set sung by Bob Weir as Dr.Hux

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the whole thing kind of takes away from the mystery of the coming show, no?

Yeah, like why the hell would I travel if I know the show isn't going to be great. Maybe this is just an excuse for the band to be lazy or maybe they'll play lots of expensive shows to keep their nasal passages busy. ;)

p.s. the winking smiley looks like he's having a stroke!

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Dr.Huxtable has been doing this for months. This is nothing new.

BTW, April 24th Dr.Huxtable is playing Irene's again and the pricing model is now available.

$2 sample set: *

Crowd / tuning


Tonto's Underwater Paradise >

Centragnome >

Run Like Hell >



* tribute to nero reproducing 11-28-03 in it's entirety.

$4 sample set: **

Second that emotion

NFO > MAggie's > NFO

Shadow blind

Airbourne > Switzerland

** set feature an extremely loaded Dr.Hux

$7 sample set: ***

Looks like Rain

Minglewood > Other one > Dark Star > Bird song > NFO > Other One > Theme from Mash

*** entire set sung by Bob Weir as Dr.Hux

LOL, That's hilarious Mike, we really should try that. I see enuogh of drunk Dr. Hux at home, and let me tell you it's not worth the price of admission..."I love you man (insert drool here)...I love you mann...zzzzzzzz"

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"Besides, you've still got a 1/2 hour 'til noon to come up with something else. Think of it as an opportunity. "

Ok, I'm not going to stick one of your harmonicas up your ass, smart-ass.


If we make it to CTMF, and you make it to CTMF, you aint sleeping pal.

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