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Seasonal music?

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

I find that I tend to listen to certain bands only during the summer such as Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, String Cheese Incident, or The Doors.

Anybody else have seasonal music that they only listen to during certain time periods?

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There's NOTHING like sitting outside with a big cooler of beer, the sun shining, and The "Frampton Comes Alive" just cranked...this is summer to me.

(even though I listen to this album all year round, it sounds better in the summer)

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Guest Low Roller

Sublime! Get your ska on! Rancid, NOFX and Pennywise are also great bands to listen to during the summer.

Ahhh... I can smell the summer breeze already...

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I dont really have any certian music I listen to only in spring/summer...but The good ol' Grateful Dead does it for me on a clear warm summers day.(or a dreary winter one at that).

Sunshine daydream~ [big Grin]

But if I must choose one I'd say Lighthouse or Muddy Waters...love those ones in the summer while drinkin grogs.

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Guest Low Roller


Originally posted by Jaimoe:

Blue Grassy High for a week in September.

Yeah, BGH falls into the "too much of a good thing" category for me as well. [big Grin]

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REGGAE mon...plenty of dem roots reggae seen!?

Bob Marley, Izzy Vibes (Israel Vibration for any non-reggae heads), Culture, Lee "scratch' Perry, Augustus Pablo, Burning Spear.....

and i think this goes without saying, but plenty of the Grateful Dead and a live Dark Star Orchestra show more nights than not through the summer......yeeeehaw [big Grin]

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I've never really thought about that...hmm

I'm tempted to say that I DO listen to more cheese during the summer, but I also listen to them a lot during the winter. So that's a no go for seasonal.

Zep - has sorta found its way out of my repertoire. I have a buddy who loves 'em, so i tend to hear them a lot when i'm not really in the mood for them. If there is such a thing.

But I hear what you're saying. I think I listen to moe. a lot more during the summer. That's my pick.


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