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KW Crew.........how was the bling-bling party?


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The only mention I've seen was that it was at Tigger's. How was it? Wha' Happen'?

I'm excited.....were there any fake gold teeth? Brass knuckles - someone give it up!!

BTW, Schwa - I absent-mindedly forgot to thank you (VERY GRATEFULLY) for the awesome EH and LOS show - they are in the stereo earning their road legs! They make my ears smile :) And thanks, always, for the spot to hang (and keep the dogs)

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yo bitchez check it out

first we macked up in some shwiggiy schwiggy schwackin' dopeass threads. got some tats, some bling goin' on, and a 40 of OE to shizzle it up yo. then we booked it to schwa's crib in da funkmobile, bustin' out wit da slim shady all the way to tha ghett-o.

then we gets there & we're chizzlin' it out wit some of that bodycount & bustin' moves to the n-to-tha-w-to-tha-a, when our homey g scotttay to the tigg-er, gave a shout out to the gangsta homeys & sistas in tha house, to mack it up over at his pad. we was like, shizzle for rizzle yo, and moved dem partay action to his hood.

we be packin', mackin' & all drinking & shit over at brotha's, even gots the little jada into da mix oh yeah. i's be holdin' onto my bling & macked out styles, may even bring 'em out a night at izzy's. aite? check it.

peace out

byatches got some photo action goin' on yet? sheeeeeeit, it's been almost 2 days yo, let's get this shit up there.

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holy freakin' boognish palace princess, that was hilarious! You should be writing for Pound Magazine - don't let those skillz go to waste.

Next time we're lost in the ghetto, i'll just sick my feisty gangsta sidekick on those thugs - you can tell those M - F'ers where to go.

Keri! Where are those pictures????

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mack it up, mack it in & let me begin...

word to the mothership, yo

ah ha ha ha ha ha............. straight up p, you know i gots yo back. and props to you tonin, you is one coolass mofo, fo shizzle. shitz, i gots all yo backs covered yo, i be bustin' rhymes & bootay shakin' all ova da hood. and shiznit, a shout out to da number 2, a'int no wantin' to leave nobodday out. true dat, yo. booya!

word 'em up.

yo k-dizzley-dizzle what up yo, we's waitin' on it!

k, i'm off to practice breakdancing now.

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all the partay people in tha house say whooooaaaaa-oooohhhhhhh!

big shout out to the babsy mothafuka!!!!!!! you gots the mack stylez all yo own, we must be from tha same hood, brotha! out to rep-re-sent!

aw l'il pink.... shit bitch, you is fine too. :) you was way mackin' wit dat cheek bandaid you had goin' on, so don't be pulling none of that sellin' yo-self short bullshizzle! big props to the website action you gots goin' on! aite, check it out, dem pik-chas don't be doin' no justice tho, we was way more fineass & hardcore than they be showin', but ya gets da flow. jada, she be one fineass little honey, she'll be all bustin' chops & shakin' up in shit in no time.

word to the backity-back-back for photographin' props! and peace to the toninator too!

"thugnor" ????? aite, that's some funny funny chit mang, most nearly choked on my OE when i saw dat one, WORD!!!

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