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missed the bus to Nero


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A serious lack of sleep, combined with a ridiculous amount of consumption over the last three days, will force this to be less informative and somewhat more wordy than it should be...

Arrived, no one there at 10:30. Super early for me to get to a nero show with an opening band. kitkat's car got towed, boo...

Opener: Cavern. OK, so they don't "suck"... Not that I care for many bands that are afraid to stop suckling on Phish's teet for a night and play something original... I'm sure I heard "borrowed" parts from The Divided Sky, YEM, and a few other Phish songs during Cavern's set, others around me mentioned it as well... They aren't bad players, but if they're the "tightest band to hit Toronto", as posted by a fan/band member on Jamhub, then Toronto's music scene must be sloppy... As 'gator would say: "Borrringgg!!!". Give them 5 years to come up with an original sound and some better songs, and they might go somewhere...

Setbreak: Some 40-year old lady tries to pick me up outside The Rivoli... Thanks, but no thanks... Too bad you weren't there Paisley, might have been the woman of your dreams... ;)

Finally: nero. Great show, as always, but it was no Guelph... I couldn't tell you the setlist, but a couple of highlights for me were Medicated and Darius. Medicated is going to be another serious tune by the time it's finished being fine tuned. Really, really hard, rockin' tune, with a lot of space to play with and some mean guitar work by Mr. Lauzon... Darius opened the 3 night run of debauchery and dancing, and it somehow seemed fitting to end the run with Darius as well. While not quite as tight as the Guelph Darius (which easily compares to the version of Darius heard on nero's live album Soon), the Toronto Darius was well played, with more energy than I suspected the boys could create on stage or within us... No encore, (boo! I think a few of us should have had the treat of hearing one last song that night, even a quick Pumpkin Song reprise or a Speed Queen, not that I'm complaining... ;)) and it was off to...

The afterparty: After a long, painful and extremely slow debate as to where to drag our drunken, sorry, tortured bodies for one final chase of the dragon, we finally decided to go to M's new pad. After even more waiting, while the band loaded their gear and people finished their beer, we were off, with Punk behind the wheel of our car. After a little confusion about where the party was, or if the party was even actually at M's, we finally got in, sat down, cracked some Luckys and proceeded to try to finish what we had started earlier in Guelph. Good times! Small group of devoted nero fans reminiscing over the shenanigans of the last 72 hours. Slowly but surely, the numbers thinned... We left M's at 3:00pm. "No sleep 'til Brooklyn...". The Sloth said it before the show in Guelph, and we stand by it even as we speak...

Overall, a fun night. Great to see M and Giggles, it's been too long! Nice to finally meet Rossolee, as well as the many others who's names elude me at the moment... Great to run into aromatherapy, bsherman, dimafleck, Daniel, pounder, Yo, the Young sisters, (out in force 3 nights in a row, I might add... good work ladies!), The Sloth, kitkat, Bear, Jaybone and a whole cast of characters who's names I either already forget or don't care to remember. Dancefloor was packed about 1/2 way back towards the bar for all of nero, (for Cavern... not so packed... Only about 3 TRULY devoted dancers for most of their set, and 1 of them was half-assing it quite a bit.), not too long a wait for beers and very friendly security. No worries at all.

Thanks to Alexis for driving my sorry ass to Toronto for the show, Punk for driving our sorry asses to M's place for the afterparty, M for throwing the afterparty, and for not kicking us out at any point during the morning/early afternoon, Rivoli security for being cool about asking us to move over a bit to smoke our nugs instead of being dicks about it, the band for another great show, as well as a fantastic 3 night party, and everyone that contributed in any small or large way to my shameless, sleep-deprieved nero/Slammin' Jack bender. I probably could have done it without you, but it was a lot easier with you... Guelph was definately the monster show of the three, with one of the biggest nero afterparties I've ever personally witnessed, but Toronto definately would have been worth the drive.

One last extra-special thanks to Paisley and instagator... Thanks for not coming on Saturday ;). With how quiet we had to be at M's, it would have been impossible to bring the pair of you in there for more than 5 minutes, never mind the fact that we JUST squeaked by on the booze and smokes on hand. Plus, you're both assholes ;), especially that Paisley character... ;) :: Good times guys, cheers.

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yeah it was definatly a great time. i missed cavern again, but i tihnk i accidentaly spoke to there drunnmer earlier that night. i was there at like 9 30, not a soul there, 10 30 nothing, so i went back to bed in my van and came in at like 11.30 and there was just a cround forming

good to see everyone, and meet some new people,, its good to put a face with the name del head,, maybe one day i'll meet alexis. pasiley what can i say but its always good to see you.

its definatly time for some sleep

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Setbreak: Some 40-year old lady tries to pick me up outside The Rivoli... Thanks, but no thanks... Too bad you weren't there Paisley, might have been the woman of your dreams...

ended up wiht my hands full Sat night (her daughter wasn't taking no for an answer) ::

nice review Del (asshole)... good to hear you finished off the run for the team... thanks to you and Alexis for the hospitality in Mississaugua

sweet ride there Jared, thanks again for the cruise in style ta Hamitlon

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