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Mandatory Afternoon of Fun!

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

I just smoked the entire company in a LEGO car building contest. Second place is over a minute longer than my time and I'm the only person to have a time under five minutes.

If you told me yesterday that I would be writing this today, I would laugh my ass off because it would seem so implausible.

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Guest Low Roller

Well it's time to go offsite and listen to the CEO tell us how much money we made for him.

I better get a fat wad of cash in a neatly sealed envelop at the end of all this.

Don't cry for me. I am already dead.

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I just smoked the entire company in a LEGO car building contest. Second place is over a minute longer than my time and I'm the only person to have a time under five minutes.

I told you you should've applied for a job at Lego...



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so what you are saying is that you get to colour and play with lego all afternoon while getting paid and you are complaining about this? does your job normally involve copious amounts of booze and porn? :Dis that why this afternoon is no fun? i just need some clarification, that's all.

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Fun that is forced is not 'fun'. The idea of mandatory fun is a misnomer. Fun with a bunch of people who you have nothing in common with other than a paycheque is not fun. Fun with said strangers that doesn't involve the usual presence of hopefully free booze as a social uninhibitor is not fun. For these reasons I sympathize with the man's plight (I bet they had booze at the secret location if not that is also not fun).

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Guest Low Roller

Bokonon: What Kung said.

Sweet merciful deliverance.

I have escaped.

So we were carted off to some movie theatre to listen to a presentation by our esteemed CEO. He talked for half an hour about our performance in this past year, and how it compares year-over-year to the last TEN YEARS. Each year being explored in excrutiating detail.

Then our reveared Chief Operating Officer (COO) took the lead and unveiled the new 3-year corporate strategy. He spoke for what felt like an eternity. Of note, he mentioned that we each had an opportunity to be all that we can be by "thinking outside the box", the irony being that I was recently demoted for being outside said box and as a result all opportunities were taken away from me.

After the speeches at the movie theatre no movie was shown.

We then went to the pub across the way, and I made sure to order the most expensive items off the menu and the premium beer. Getting trashed on corporate money would've been a fantastic way of ending this rather questionable day, but since we weren't provided taxi chits to get back home, we were forced to limit our drinking so we could all drive home.

Afer shaking hands with the CEO and giving a shallow and butt-kissing 'thank-you', I quickly left the pub, and broke several driving laws to get home and end this day ASAP.

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Guest Low Roller
Maybe there's a point to all the car-related activities. Any chance they'll do a car give-away/draw at the end of the day on account of the most profitable year in company history? Who knows...you could be a winner!

Two people (out of a company of around 120 people) won a week-end rental of a Hummer or Jaguar.

I was not said winner.

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Guest Low Roller
lowroller.... you fricken crack me up :D

keep it up with the updates, this is at LEAST as entertaining as all star survivor!

I'm glad that my misery entertains you. :: Now I feel like a martyr in the name of humour on this message board.

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Guest Low Roller

Can you believe that after all this zany mandatory fun that I still had a soccer game tonight?

Needless to say that my performance suffered since I was still reeling from all the 'fun' I had earlier in the day.

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