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Did you miss Slammin Jack?


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For the four or five of us who were there, the March 31, 2004 Slammin Jack show at Mavericks in Ottawa was absolutely killer, moreso because we couldn't believe so few showed up for it.

Well, if you want to hear what you missed, you can download the show from the archive (in various formats, including SHN, OGG, and two MP3s).

I'm hoping to get the Montreal show (April 10) uploaded within the next couple of days; when I do, I'll let you know.



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If you're not sure you want the whole show, I direct your browser to one particular song: Lucy (64kbps MP3).

This is, IMnsHO, one of the best songs to come out of our "circle of bands" in recent times. Consider: How many songs have you heard that actually have characters (and characters which are described with enough vision to make you care about them), and plot? How many truly tell a story, and have a full scope that's described enough for you to envision it? And how many of those songs are backed up with enough musical weight to make them truly epic?

I'm interested in peoples' opinions of this song (especially yours, kung). For every band that goes too far into the repetitive trance/groove (and, admittedly, Slammin Jack may do that a bit; dave-O commented [and I agree] that they could/should do more Lucy-type material in their show), you occasionally get a gem like this.

(OK, I may be going on too much about this band/song, but I've had "Lucy" stuck in my head, in whole and in parts, since I heard it. I'm hoping that I can exorcise it from my brain somehow...)



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i love LUCY (lol).......seriously though i agree, nice written SONG nice changes harmonies, its got it all. Ive seen slammin jack 3 times in the last 2 years and this song gets me every time. Just that point in the show when you wind down for a minute and need a break form grooving to find your self staring in ahhh. They pull this tune off just beautifull! And hell yeah why not a slice of pie to, mmmmmmmmm i dig that.

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In my review of Slammin Jack's latest album " a day late, a dollar short " for the Jam CD reviews section, I cited Lucy as the best song on the album. Here's what I wrote:

... by the time you reach the fourth track, the frenetic bluegrass sea-faring tune Lucy, a day late really takes-off. Lucy is the catchiest tune on the album, with beautifully melodic piano and vocal harmonies accented by searing Dickey Betts/Chuck Leavell-like solos by guitarist Rich Martin and keyboardist Scott Daniels respectively.

I still have a few problems with " a day late ", mainly with some of the Galactic-sounding songs and the trance work-outs, but I think the album is worth checking out.

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You've all nailed it.

Lucy is an absolute gem of a tune and certainly one of SJ's best. It's too bad they RARELY bust out one of their older vocal/storytelling tunes LANDO... a GREAT tune about Lando Calrissian (however it's spelled!!) and another of my personal faves.

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