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The Weather SUCKS!


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Shain, everyone - think twice before heading out, dude. It's rough going out there.......

Not that I want the show to be poorly attended, that would suck, but everyone's gotta use some common sense tonight. it's supposed to be pretty bad. Just concerned, that's all.

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yeah.. strange weather. it's not even snow!!! My mom took 45 min. to pick me up today at the bus station cause she got REALLY stuck in this.... pellety-stuff!! PLUS getting around on crutches in this weather is hard.. and DANGEROUS.... It makes me sad too cause I saw some pretty sprouts sticking up... goodbye spring.. [Frown][Frown][Eek!] Poor mother earth. Is ontario some sort of strange nega-verse or something?? storms and sars.. what's next... locusts?



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hey sarahbelle

don't forget that SARS virus has just become rampant in Ontario... illnessness like this die in cold... hong kong and now california are spreading at epidemic proportions... looks like a blessing to me... better a little discomfort than losing yourself or friends...

and hell... its Canada... and we're Canadian... seems to me like this corner of the planet is acting like it usually does for one winter... the last 7 global warming, sickness spreading, terrible for this type of environment, winters were creeping me right out... I was ready to move somewhere else that was acting normal... woohoo to be sure to warm weather but these are strange times...

it'll be warm soon enough

peace, keep writing that book

everything happens for a reason

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regardless of the title of this thread, sounds like you had some wondrous adventures, shainhouse... life at the edge... wish I had've followed your lead and wouldn't be sitting home in hamilton instead of in the warm afterglow of the diesel / nero show... waited too long for friends who disappeared and ended up having a fine fun night but still stuck in the hammer

to turn back time...

adventure for me from now on (like I didn't already know)

last thought - this weather ROCKS! (cheers to all who are where I wish I was)

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