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There's a cop beside me RIGHT NOW!!

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He's doing a presentation at our school today.

He called his club a "baton" ha ha! I think he's going to join a parade after this :P

He's crurently asking the kids what powers cops have.

Anything anybody wants me to chime in with?

I was thinking about

- driving through red lights whenever they want.

- Driving wasted

- whacking people with their "batons"....ha ha...."batons"

I was also thinking of asking if he could take our class to their evidence room for some hands-on stuff ;)

Guest Low Roller

What deodorant does he use to cover up that pork odour?

I cooked bacon in my apartment two days ago, and I still can't get rid of the smell.


If you've got the guts I'd say one of their 'special powers' is the ability to receive small packets of money in exchange for the heads up on liquor licenses and inspections in the downtown core of your major cities.

What deodorant does he use to cover up that pork odour?

I cooked bacon in my apartment two days ago, and I still can't get rid of the smell.

ha ha ha ha. It's funny cause they're pigs......and pigs are pork. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! What deoderant do pigs use? ha ha ha ha!

If you've got the guts I'd say one of their 'special powers' is the ability to receive small packets of money in exchange for the heads up on liquor licenses and inspections in the downtown core of your major cities.

bwahahahahahahahahah........OOOOhhhhhh!!! That one is ballsy.....but that'd be priceless :)


Seriously, ask him about that red light stuff. How many of us have witnessed a cop flash his lights for two seconds to go through a red? Pisses me off.


mmmmm....pork products... me likey. hahhahahah

babsy, the fact you are a kindegarten teacher is so beautiful..... heeheehee, if they only knew..... classic! so classic. we need more people like you leading our youth. think the kids will be able to pick up on the seething sarcasm to mr. cop man? haha. maybe you could ask him what it's like getting free coffee and donuts everywhere, or if cops are still allowed this privilege?

and misspink, that was fricken hilarious, thanks for the visuals! hahahahahahhahahaha

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