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Uncle Seth w/Grassy Knoll- Tomorrow in Toronto


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Hey all.

Jeff from Seth here.

If you're looking for a fun show in T.O. tonight, this'll be the ticket.

We've been finishing a CD and rehearsing a bunch. The band sounds, and looks, a bit different now.

It's sort of a whole new direction for us, not that the old direction was breaking much ground or anything.

Anyway, we're pretty excited about it.

It'll be nice to share the vibe with folks.



P.s.-I've also been told to expect blistering sets from

Grassy Knoll & The Magic Bullit and Vanderpark

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Hey all.

Jeff from Seth here.

If you're looking for a fun show in T.O. tonight, this'll be the ticket.

We've been finishing a CD and rehearsing a bunch. The band sounds, and looks, a bit different now.

It's sort of a whole new direction for us, not that the old direction was breaking much ground or anything.

So that "alt-coutnry" thing was true? ::



P.S. If/when you're hanging with Vanderpark, if you get a chance to talk to Alan, the bass player, tell him Brad in Ottawa says, "Hi!"

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Hee-hee, 'twas indeed! First time out with Uncle Seth as an electric 4-piece with yours truly on bass and Craig on drums instead. Craig luckily is actually probably an even better drummer than he is a bass player, so no worries there. For me, while I'd never played a full Seth-set on bass before it's something I've been doing on and off for years since '89 - I was slightly nervous about it, but hell I wrote half those songs so I certainly know how they go! It's still not 100% clear if we'll stick with the foursome (necessitated last night by a dearth from our usually healthy pool of sub drummers and bass players) but we'll see what happens. We certainly had a good time last night.

Thanks to all who came out!


Mr. M.

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