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Canada Day CTMF.....


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24 more days.....

Just lookin for some more insight.

What are the plans for the Thursday night?

Is this joint dog friendly?

How much would I have to pay if I'm only there for the Thursday and Friday nights?

How and where do I get tickets?

Whos gonna rock with me???

Counting the days.


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Izzy is not very dog friendly. Apparently he was sued last year because someone's pit bull attacked and bit a lady while camping there. I got a very stern talking to when i had my 9 lb lap dog with me, so size apparently DOESN'T matter. You'll have to keep the dog on leash at all times. The dance area isn't really condusive to having a dog there, so you end up leaving them in the tent. My dog clawed a hole in the tent and was running around with his black and white self looking all skunky so no one would go near him. A friend found him and brought him to me, and i didn't even know he was gone. In the car for him, thankfully, he still likes the car.

Just wanted to be candid so you know what you're getting into. I love my dog to death, and I like him to be by my side all the time, but if you plan on getting incapacitated, or spending 4-5 hours away from your campsite, then leave the dog with a friend or with a kennel/vet in the area.

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as for the price, its full if you show up the first night.

it doesn't matter when you want to leave. i talked to the owners on may 24, and they said they dont want the hassle of find people who paid one or two nights, and kicking them out early...

So if you pay to go the first night, and only stay two, or even one, you'll be paying full price.

i think full price was 65 dollars in advance.


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